View Full Version : New-sleep problems

Knowledge Rules Supreme
02-04-2008, 03:39 AM
I need to know what this is!!!Sometimes for instance last night i was trying to go to sleep not a thought in my head was half asleep,then all of the sudden it felt life my breath got taken away.So i roll to my other side try again then it happens again,then one more time,but not in a row like 5 min between them.i panic jump up grab my phone(cause if im alone its right next to me at all times)my heart starts beating crazy.then i came on here for 30 min.went back to bed and i was fine.this isnt the first time it happened.does anyone know what this is?

02-04-2008, 05:38 AM
I can say without a doubt that i know EXACTLY how you feel!! I posted on someone elses thread this morning at 5 in the morning because i had the EXACT experience you had. I had this odd version of sleep when i fall asleep and cant seem to wake myself up and get paranoid about waking. I then awoke, had a sip of water. Then i was off... heart was pounding and at such an irratic rythem and power. I got changed being convinsed i was having a heart attack ready to goto the hospital, washed my face and it stopped and i calmed... So rediculously strange. So yes i know your pain have how horrifying it is. Believe it or not this forum is helping my a hell of a lot and ive only used it 2days now. Listening to other peoples stories is helping so much to come to terms with my anxiety and slowly am being perswaded that im not nuts.