View Full Version : Seeing the ex

12-18-2013, 05:53 PM
. I'm seeing my ex girlfriend tomorrow for the first time since she broke up with me on the phone and then a few days later at the balls to fb message me out the blue to tell me she had cheated Aswell. She dumped me because of my anxiety (a fucking blow to the self worth and self esteem) and now my girlfriend of a year doesn't care enough to have a 5 min conversation beacause "I'm depressed" wow make me feel even more worse and isolated by this so since I've been ill I've become someone she loved to someone she can't even talk to. Is that me as a horrible or bad person or is that Her fucked up opinion on mental health

How should I be to her?


12-18-2013, 06:04 PM

You must act like, you don't care with this one. (remember one of your other posts way back 10 days er so ago and you asked me "What am I not supposed to act like I give a f**k about anybody?")...

Well, this IS the one..right here.

Then, (this may sound really demented and f**ked up to you) she will want to take the time to learn about your "mental health" BUT only if you want her to or want her around you at all...That's something that you have to answer in your own head..

(ACT) like you're on top of the world now, and you don't give a rat's ass about what she thinks or knows about your "mental health".....

Maybe, part of it, was HER?????.....


12-18-2013, 07:01 PM
No... You must act like, you don't care with this one. (remember one of your other posts way back 10 days er so ago and you asked me "What am I not supposed to act like I give a f**k about anybody?")... Well, this IS the one..right here. Then, (this may sound really demented and f**ked up to you) she will want to take the time to learn about your "mental health" BUT only if you want her to or want her around you at all...That's something that you have to answer in your own head.. (ACT) like you're on top of the world now, and you don't give a rat's ass about what she thinks or knows about your "mental health"..... Maybe, part of it, was HER?????..... E-Man.

I realised tonight I don't need revenge the greatest revenge I can give her is my happiness not her sadness. I'm going to approach her and cool the air then disappear like it was one of my many deeds to do that evening. All her friends and my friends and her think because I'm depressed and anxious I'm gonna flip out and make a scene but I can't wait to prove them wrong I'm not the crazy guy my bitch ex girlfriend makes me out to be

12-18-2013, 07:15 PM
YES!!!! That's it Mike!!!!! You CAN do this bruh..you MUST man.. :D


12-19-2013, 02:10 AM
I realised tonight I don't need revenge the greatest revenge I can give her is my happiness not her sadness. I'm going to approach her and cool the air then disappear like it was one of my many deeds to do that evening. All her friends and my friends and her think because I'm depressed and anxious I'm gonna flip out and make a scene but I can't wait to prove them wrong I'm not the crazy guy my bitch ex girlfriend makes me out to be

Very good post mike! Very good attitude.

Your life is what's most important now, not messing with somebody else's. It's awesome you see that. Credit to your character. Most people when having a hard time, can't wait to lash out.

Update us on how it goes. Whether she shows it or not, there will be a degree of dissatisfaction on her part seeing you behave so maturely and balanced. So in a way, you're getting the best revenge by showing she's no longer anything you care enough about to rise to ;)

12-19-2013, 02:47 AM
Very good post mike! Very good attitude. Your life is what's most important now, not messing with somebody else's. It's awesome you see that. Credit to your character. Most people when having a hard time, can't wait to lash out. Update us on how it goes. Whether she shows it or not, there will be a degree of dissatisfaction on her part seeing you behave so maturely and balanced. So in a way, you're getting the best revenge by showing she's no longer anything you care enough about to rise to ;)

Yeah I just want her to stop thinking of me as a crazy mentally unbalanced person because it's not fair she's using it to segregate me from our friends it's horrible and every bone In my body says to double foot kick the bitch In the back of the head when I see her but I think I will prove her right if I do aha lol
So ima be the bigger man and fight urges.

12-19-2013, 04:31 AM
Yeah I just want her to stop thinking of me as a crazy mentally unbalanced person because it's not fair she's using it to segregate me from our friends it's horrible and every bone In my body says to double foot kick the bitch In the back of the head when I see her but I think I will prove her right if I do aha lol
So ima be the bigger man and fight urges.

Yeah these urges are what CAN make us "crazy"! The key mike is identifying them, like you have, and contemplating on those thoughts and urges to come up with suitable, realistic, appropriate solutions!

You should be caring about just number one right now mate, if people can't understand it, then it really is their problem, you cut them out of your life temporarily and they then come around, its like when they don't have to hear about it they then have time to think on it and they form a better understanding and realise that often they are being selfish and insensitive.

All you can do, and all you can change is yourself, you can't change other people(!! SO IMPORTANT), so its time to not give a fuck, don't worry about them, worry about you mike. Because YOU matter.

I recently split up with my girlfriend, we were only going out for a month or two, but her inability to be understanding to my anxiety and panic made me absolutely hate her. If it was the other way round I would be so bloody helpful. Even when I didn't know I had anxiety issues I've been there for people in times of desperate need, even a stranger having an attack at a party once, a young girl and I sat her down and helped her through it (she must have had social anxieties).. It came NATURAL to me to do that. People who can't even try to understand. Fuck. Right. Off.

12-19-2013, 04:57 AM
Now here's a party!! Too bad all you fuggers live 8,000,000 miles away!! :)

12-19-2013, 05:56 AM
Hey Mike!

Put this on your phone as the incoming call tone!!...just for yer X...:)


12-21-2013, 02:23 AM
Hey Mike! Put this on your phone as the incoming call tone!!...just for yer X...:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWR7Ib48M8g

It was a disaster I was so anxious and got really really drunk screwed at her in front of our friends now none of my friends will talk to me and I've finnally successfully lost everyone