View Full Version : Night time fright

12-18-2013, 05:11 PM
Look at me I am back with a problem thread after my unproblematic day I have just dosed off in bed and then I shot upright and to be honest I don't know what I felt I don't know whether it was gasping for breath or a small panic attack

When I shot up I was thinking I hadn't even fell asleep and didnt know what was going on

Urgh worried about falling back to sleep now

12-18-2013, 05:13 PM
I've done that, but it was always in the midst of a dream (under water)..WHOAAA!!! What just happened..YAY I'm alive...that was weird....zzzzzzzz :)

12-18-2013, 05:15 PM
I've done that, but it was always in the midst of a dream (under water)..WHOAAA!!! What just happened..YAY I'm alive...that was weird....zzzzzzzz :)

I don't even remember a dream I think that's what scared me

Lee Grant Irons
12-18-2013, 08:29 PM
There cam a time when I saw sleep as a release. Finally, I could lay down and escape from the world for another night. See what you can do to change your perspective. You need to convince yourself that sleep is your "safe time."

I am thinking that many people have problems sleeping because they don't prepare for sleep.

1. Don't watch any TV/video, play any computer games, or surf the internet within an hour of going to bed.
2. If you don't want complete silence, before bed, play soft, soothing music.
3. Turn down the lights within 30 minutes of going to bed, to help you start relaxing
4. Do anything else that helps you relax and stay away from everything that does not help you relax.