View Full Version : Rabies Anxiety

12-18-2013, 01:34 PM
I got bit by a neighborhood dog about a year ago while out on a jog. The owner said that he had his rabies shots, so I washed the wound and didn't bother seeing a doctor. I later called an advice nurse about the bite, and she said that I probably didn't need to worry about it.

I recently read that it can take a year for the rabies incubation period to end, and now I'm paranoid that I might still have gotten it from that dog and the owner lied to me, or was wrong about the animal having been vaccinated. I've been achey and tired for days now, and I'm convinced it's the onset of rabies. I guess there's not much I could do about it anyway, now, so I probably shouldn't bother with worrying...

12-18-2013, 02:42 PM
1. Actually, even unvaccinated dogs won't transmit something they don't have.

2. If you know the owner, is the dog still alive? That's a start.

3. A quick check confirmed that the incubation period can indeed be long in certain circumstances, but you're well past the period that rabies would typically develop.

4. The article I read said that dogs going through the incubation period are not a threat for bites as it would not be in the saliva at that point.

Overall, not likely that rabies will be a problem for you.

Be well.

12-18-2013, 03:05 PM
Thanks for the info, artaud. I found out that I got bit in April; I took a picture of the bite to show my mom, and the date was on the file. So, it hasn't been quite a year yet, aaaahh! I moved six months ago, so I don't know the owner anymore....

The bite was pretty small and shallow, so even if the dog was infected, maybe not enough saliva would have entered the wound? Maybe I should just enjoy the next few months.775

12-18-2013, 03:18 PM
Thanks for the info, artaud. I found out that I got bit in April; I took a picture of the bite to show my mom, and the date was on the file. So, it hasn't been quite a year yet, aaaahh! I moved six months ago, so I don't know the owner anymore....

The bite was pretty small and shallow, so even if the dog was infected, maybe not enough saliva would have entered the wound? Maybe I should just enjoy the next few months.

Most of my original comments still apply. You have no reason to believe the dog had rabies, it's more common in free roaming animals, raccoons, bats, foxes. See the following excerpt and link.

"Why can a healthy domestic dog, cat or ferret be held for ten days?
Studies have shown that dogs, cats and ferrets only shed the rabies virus in the saliva for a short period (usually 4 to 5 days) of time before they develop symptoms.* If the animal has not developed symptoms by the tenth day after the exposure then the animal would not have been shedding the virus at the time of the exposure.

Why cant the ten day observation period be used for other animals?
Only domestic dogs, cats and ferrets have been studied enough to determine with certainty the period of viral shedding.* Although this period of viral shedding may be similar for other species of animals, without more studies, there is too much uncertainty and too great of risk for error."


I don't think you have ANYTHING to worry about with rabies. If you have other symptoms, see a doctor for them. Mention your concern as well. But, if the dog survived 10 days after you were bit, you should be in the clear.

12-18-2013, 08:40 PM
Thanks. My partner said that we saw the dog being taken on a walk a while after the bite, and he seems to think it was after 10 days. He could be wrong, though, and I can't remember if we did or not. I talked to the owner about the bite days after it happened and she said the dog seemed fine; I don't know if it was after 10 days or not. I guess I should take people's word for it and stop worrying, especially since it isn't common for people to undergo incubation longer than 6 months.