View Full Version : Hey everyone:-)

12-18-2013, 03:44 AM
Sorry I've not posted for a couple of days I've been busy baking for people :-)

I also went to occupational health yesterday and then went to see my boss and colleagues. I am so very glad I did, the support and welcome I received was overwhelming! I am not in any way nervous to go back in the new year now, and I agreed with my boss that for the first 2 weeks of my phased return I will only work mornings to ease me in after being off for 2 months.

My occy health app was just an assessment but they agreed CBT would be beneficial and I'll get an app in a couple of weeks!

My PMT has hit it's peak today so I am weepy and severely anxious but this too shall pass. I just baked some cupcakes for my lovely best friend and I'm going up to hers for tea and a chat now so hoping that will take my mind off it :-)

Hope you are all well, chin up everyone, we'll get through it and have a lovely day xxx

12-18-2013, 05:54 AM
Positive steps Gemmmy!

Um,..and the cupcakes??...Do you have like, ours?

E. :)

12-18-2013, 09:11 AM
Yes of course I have cupcakes for you all!!!

Of course I'll have to eat them for you because you live so far away ;-P

12-18-2013, 09:58 AM
Well that's BS!!! It's only 8000 miles!!! Send them, shouldn't cost anymore than $146.23!!! :)