View Full Version : zoloft??

12-18-2013, 02:05 AM
I was prescribed zoloft 100mg yesterday and been taking it makes me feel like a zombie I don't like the feeling. I was sleeping earlier and had suicidal thoughts??? I've read this is a side effect. Is there something else then this I already hate zoloft and its been 2 days.

12-18-2013, 02:20 AM
Please try stick with it the side effects eventually fade mine did within 3 days others take 2 weeks but they get less and less each day if your feeling sleepy with them then I would recommend taking it at night

The first day I took mine I felt spaced out, the second day I took it, I had panic attacks but not bad ones and the third day I started with the nausea that lasted the full 2 weeks but wasn't bad

If you change meds your probably only going to have side effects with them I know 2 weeks seems like a long time but honestly I remember being on my day 2 and thinking omg I won't get through this but here I am on day 23 feeling tons better

I am always here if you need support or chat going through each day

12-18-2013, 04:45 AM
Stick with it! I'm on Zoloft too...still have my good and bad days but now they are more good then bad and not SO filled with anxiety constantly. The first few weeks can be rough...but you just have to hold on to get the results. Worriedmummy and I have both just been through it....I'm here too if you need to talk!

12-18-2013, 06:04 AM

100mg to start???....Anyone else in this place on Zoloft that can "school" us here??...:)


12-18-2013, 06:21 AM
Yes 100mg to start I have severe anxiety. The doctor said take 1 tablet in the morning. The zombie-like feeling won't go away I have no emotional feeling, no positive or negative feeling it sucks. I was hoping the suicide thought was just a nightmare but it's because the zoloft. I want to get off this and get something else.

12-18-2013, 06:30 AM
Prescribed yesterday? lol, relax because it's not going to have any effect on you for about a month..

it takes a month for the Zoloft to kick in, any anxiety attacks you're having right now, have nothing to do with the Zoloft.

When I started on my Zoloft, I couldn't wait for those weeks to go by so I could feel the effects of it. and once I did, things got better. All the Zoloft will do for you really is just lesson symptoms of your panic attacks, you will likely still have panic attacks (I do). but you're not going to feel the attack as strong, or as long.. You won't have to wait hours for the adrenalin to get out of your system, which is nice.

The lesson I had to learn about Zoloft is that it's NOT going to take your anxiety away and make you happier. I had a period of about 4 months after it kicked in where I was happy, relaxed and in la la land because I thought this was going to cure my anxiety forever, but then, when things in my life started to go topsy turvey again, the anxiety came back full force, and I was sad and disappointed the Zoloft wasn't helping... but it in truth was helping to make the symptoms a bit easier to deal with, it really comes down to how you feel about your life overall at the current moment, that is what really effects your anxiety levels.. If you're feeling good about life at the moment, the anxiety lessons, if you feel really bad, and worried about the way life is going, then the anxiety levels with be hideously awful again, that's just how it goes unfortunately.

So yeah, sorry for going on so long, but that's just my personal journey with Zoloft thus far. I've been taking it for like a year and a half now.

12-18-2013, 07:51 AM
Yes 100mg to start I have severe anxiety. The doctor said take 1 tablet in the morning. The zombie-like feeling won't go away I have no emotional feeling, no positive or negative feeling it sucks. I was hoping the suicide thought was just a nightmare but it's because the zoloft. I want to get off this and get something else.

I still think 100mg is really high to start. I thought typically start up dose is 25mg and then escalate up from there....I would probably talk to your doc about this...especially if yoy are having self harming thoughts.

12-18-2013, 08:33 AM
I still think 100mg is really high to start. I thought typically start up dose is 25mg and then escalate up from there....I would probably talk to your doc about this...especially if yoy are having self harming thoughts.

I totally agree with this comment, I have never heard of starting at 100mg but this is just my opinion. Just make a call please to the RN's or whoever..


12-18-2013, 08:36 AM
And also considering this type of medication that Santa Claus mentioned above, it isn't a "hit it hard and fast" type of med at all...you need something added in here because I know you're not going to get what you're looking for with this crazy ass dose, and that med..IMHO.

12-18-2013, 09:06 AM
Prescribed yesterday? lol, relax because it's not going to have any effect on you for about a month..

it takes a month for the Zoloft to kick in, any anxiety attacks you're having right now, have nothing to do with the Zoloft.

When I started on my Zoloft, I couldn't wait for those weeks to go by so I could feel the effects of it. and once I did, things got better. All the Zoloft will do for you really is just lesson symptoms of your panic attacks, you will likely still have panic attacks (I do). but you're not going to feel the attack as strong, or as long.. You won't have to wait hours for the adrenalin to get out of your system, which is nice.

The lesson I had to learn about Zoloft is that it's NOT going to take your anxiety away and make you happier. I had a period of about 4 months after it kicked in where I was happy, relaxed and in la la land because I thought this was going to cure my anxiety forever, but then, when things in my life started to go topsy turvey again, the anxiety came back full force, and I was sad and disappointed the Zoloft wasn't helping... but it in truth was helping to make the symptoms a bit easier to deal with, it really comes down to how you feel about your life overall at the current moment, that is what really effects your anxiety levels.. If you're feeling good about life at the moment, the anxiety lessons, if you feel really bad, and worried about the way life is going, then the anxiety levels with be hideously awful again, that's just how it goes unfortunately.

So yeah, sorry for going on so long, but that's just my personal journey with Zoloft thus far. I've been taking it for like a year and a half now.

I def don't agree with this you get side effects because your body is not used to it and takes time adjusting so why after months of taking it would it then start to effect you?

My gp told me it would heighten my anxiety for about 2 weeks and if I could get through the first week it would be easier after that my CBT councellor also told me this

Starting up a med is hard if there is common side effects with it but once your used to it the side effects will fade