View Full Version : Compare us...

02-03-2008, 02:49 PM
Hi, ive been a massive sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks for the last year. Im 20 years old and cant conquer it... i ended up having to goto the doctors today to get some vallium.

So ive decided to post on here. Basically im having a really hard time believing that my problem is I have this problem. It seems for me to occur everything i get drunk and smoke ciggarettes, its kind of my hangover i guess you could say. As i said i struggle to accept what I am and what my doctor is telling me.

My heart beat goes amazingly irregular and I am sure it will soon just stop. I get chest pains and feel like I am about to stop breathing. I get pains in my left hand sometimes too. Then the standard dizziness/feeling like im about to faint. I have also developed a fear of going to sleep thinking i will never wake again and also that i am going to loose control of myself and kill myself. How similar are the effects that you lot get??
How have any of you got over your anxiety... what did you do or change in your lifestyle? Has anyone tried the drug theropy route??? Or counselling??? Do either of them work... Is there actually a way of perminently anxiety free or do I always have to deal and go skittz.

Ive been to the hospital before for an ECG, it came up clear however i still constantly think its gonna stop. I am going to a counseller tomorrow to start a new course with her.
Should i sudjest going for a full body check? If i goto the doctors and ask for tests to be done, or my heart and lungs or so check if i have cancer or a tumor which is making me go loopy??

It is ruining my life completely from loosing my job to struggling at University now. Not to forget hurting people around me for example my mother who is constantly worried about me and consequently I worry about her even more.

I know ill end up with at least one person taking the piss out of my condition but even just one person with a serious idea to help would be brilliant...


02-03-2008, 03:29 PM
My heart beat goes amazingly irregular and I am sure it will soon just stop. I get chest pains and feel like I am about to stop breathing. I get pains in my left hand sometimes too. Then the standard dizziness/feeling like im about to faint. I have also developed a fear of going to sleep thinking i will never wake again and also that i am going to loose control of myself and kill myself

Ive felt all of this and more. I just saw a cardiologist and had an EKG and will have an echocarigram (SP?) soon just to be sure, but he says it all came out normal . He also said he thinks I am suffering from anxiety, and that can elevate the blood pressure and heart rate. I asked him if this can hurt me and he said no. I am on a small dose of a BP pill for my mitral valve prolapse palpatations and to regulate my heartbeat.

02-03-2008, 04:30 PM
I must say I have never been one for worrying about my heart. For me it's all about cancers: brain tumors, lymphomas, skin cancer, testicular cancer whatever. I have had racing heart and chest pains sometimes though, but for some reason it never bothers me as much as other symptoms...

You are quite normal for an anxiety sufferer though I gather. Many many people seem to have anxiety about heart attacks or something like that.

02-03-2008, 08:44 PM
My heart beat goes amazingly irregular and I am sure it will soon just stop. I get chest pains and feel like I am about to stop breathing. I get pains in my left hand sometimes too. Then the standard dizziness/feeling like im about to faint. I have also developed a fear of going to sleep thinking i will never wake again

I know what your talking about i get the same thing. I had a stress echo, ekg, and another test to make sure everything was fine which it was. I still cant let myself get to sleep at night as i have the same fear im not going to get up. I have a fear that every chest pain is a heart attack. I started on Xanax and Zoloft Friday so we will see how that works. Well know other people are having the same problem.

Hope you figure everything out because i wish i could.

02-03-2008, 11:09 PM
Thanks for your responses, as odd it as it sounds its (hard to believe but...) good to know that some people in this world feel as shit as me. As you can see I posted 12midnight(in my time). I went to bed after i read a few responses. I have had less that 5hours sleep, woke up, went for a pee and BANG i have been hit again in only a few mins of waking. My heart is ridiculously powerful it seems... thats a good thing however the irregularity of it scares the crap out of me.