View Full Version : Freaking!!!!

12-17-2013, 08:11 PM
So I just had this kinda tight squeezing pressure at the top of my head and I'm terrified as to what it could be.... Also on Saturday I thought I had a stomach bug because I kept have diarriah and I was super achy also my stomach hurt very bad... It then got better but today I had to go I was passing gas a lot and then I had diarriah again!! wtf please help!!

Lee Grant Irons
12-17-2013, 09:46 PM
Hi mkgirl!

The stomach thing sounds like norovirus. I have been getting it every fall for the past three years for some reason. It is very painful, but goes away on its own, slowly, over as much as a week. I have to take 3 and sometimes even 4 ibuprofen with lots of fluid in order to make the pain bearable and be able to function to some extent. But then I also have to eat bland food in limited quantities.

The pressure at the top of your head is probably muscle tension in the muscles around your neck and head, related to anxiety. Have you ever tried getting chiropractor treatment or massage therapy to help with the tension that you get from anxiety?