View Full Version : staying calm and fighting anxiety.

12-17-2013, 11:34 AM
Hi all,
any tips on staying calm? deep breathing and ..........Share with me, could use some help. Thanks. Alita

12-17-2013, 02:33 PM
Deep breathing always helps. Breath in on a 5 count, hold for a 1 count, then breath out through pursed lips for a five count. hold for a 1 count then repeat. Also, hyper focus on your breathing so nothing distracts you, even the anxiety and tell yourself you will be fine and it will be over soon.

hope this helps!

12-17-2013, 02:57 PM
Identify what is triggering your anxiety. Breathing exercises are all well and good but also learn to choose your battles. Don't rush in head first into every situation. If you find mornings are particularly tough, arrange stuff for the afternoon for possible etc etc/

Don't throw yourself into every single challenge if you don't think you can cope. Choose one, focus and get through it. The feeling of beating one challenge will build until you can take on more and more. We always rush to try and fix everything at one but the reality is you need to break it down into manageable chunks.

Lee Grant Irons
12-17-2013, 05:53 PM
Hello Alita,

Staying calm when anxiety seems to come upon you for no reason? Or staying calm in a specific situation? Or staying calm in general when dealing with any situation, event, or challenge?