View Full Version : Squeaze-like pressure on head subsided but won't go away

12-17-2013, 10:10 AM
So I have never really had anxiety until just recently when I noticed things were happening to me that literally mirrored those who experienced anxiety. So a couple weeks ago I had been out drinking, and blacked out (I'm a college student, but this has rarely ever happened to me). I woke up with a cut above my eye as if I hit something, but felt fine for a few days.

Wake up in the middle of the night at some point feeling overwhelming thoughts. Almost as if I was stimulated on amphetamines.., and I developed this really strong pressure in my head, like a band squeezing on my brain. One of my hands started going numb, my face started going numb, and the muscles in my neck/jaw were stiff. I ended up going to the hospital, wondering if i had gotten a concussion from a few nights ago. CT scan showed no problems with my head, and the doctor didn't know what to say.

My problem now is that I'm almost convinced this pressure is just anxiety, but it sort of came back another night, subsided, but now its still present, just very mild. Almost unnoticeable, but its been like this for days.

Is it possible for something like this to last for days? I don't currently feel anxious/stressed at all, I just feel this physical stress in my head, almost as if I'm still recovering from that night of the panic attack.

Also, I was thinking about taking tylenol/ibuprofen that night, but was terrified that it could have been the onset of a stroke, and I'm aware of the blood thinning effects of some of these meds. It was the connection with hemorrhaging and blood thinning that frightened me from taking them. Perhaps just that observation could prove that I had some anxiety going on that night.

Any tips, suggestions?


12-17-2013, 10:23 AM
Hey Method,

Before I type out a bunch of words, go take some acetaminophen and then get back on here..the black out, and obvious fall, may have done something to the nerves in your head or neck (THAT WILL HEAL WITH TIME SO DON'T GO SEARCHING FOR AN ANSWER) but you've gotta take something for a "headache" first to see how that does..


12-17-2013, 10:29 AM
Wake up in the middle of the night at some point feeling overwhelming thoughts. Almost as if I was stimulated on amphetamines.., and I developed this really strong pressure in my head, like a band squeezing on my brain. One of my hands started going numb, my face started going numb, and the muscles in my neck/jaw were stiff.... CT scan showed no problems with my head... the doctor didn't know what to say.....it sort of came back another night, subsided, but now its still present, just very mild....

Any tips, suggestions?

The cut would likely have been substantial if you were struck very hard.

Possible migraines? Visit this page:


Get back to the doctors if things worsen or go on for too long. Not that it's anything serious, but no sense in taking chances.

Lee Grant Irons
12-17-2013, 05:34 PM
If you had a concussion or even an aneurysm, something bad would have happened by now.

I'm guessing that you might have strained you muscles when you hit your head or knocked your spine and skull out of alignment a bit, and now the pressure you are feeling is just the muscles around your neck and head tightening up do to the strain or misalignment. So, you might try see a chiropractor. A good chiropractor can help with muscle tension and spine misalignment that can be driving muscle tension. You could also go on a couple of weeks of treatment of naproxen (Aleve) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). Doctors sometimes try this kind of medicine before they try muscle relaxants.

Also, you said your blacked out from drinking, and that it "rarely" happens to you. So this has happened more than once. Perhaps you should reconsider the purpose of drinking so much, as in "there is no purpose." You had a brush with something that dinged your head, and you don't remember. And yet, you are concerned about what might be wrong with you. I would be concerned about what the heck I was doing that I don't remember that gave me that ding. For me, one black out would be enough to never go back to that kind of drinking.

Old people call this "wisdom." LOL