View Full Version : Advise and share experiences

12-17-2013, 09:39 AM
have awful anxiety. Everyday it's there but I can push it to one side and get on with life but once it's been so bad that it causes a panic attack I will literally take weeks to get over it. I constantly feel like I'm going to die no matter how much reasoning I try. My anxiety symptoms change and become more aggressive as time goes on. At the moment I'm having neckache, slight dizziness, pains on and off everywhere, achy arms, twitches, chills, sickness, intergestion, lose of appetite and fluid intake. I now also think that I have a lump on my neck although after self examination lol it is no different to the other side of my neck just a little more sensitive (this could be due to the fact that I realised my pulse was there last night causing me to panic) I also become obsessed with checking areas of my body that are causing me discomfort which in turn does actually cause them to hurt due to the prodding that I do. I'm guessing that the dizziness and sickness is due to the lack of food or drink in my system which is also the reason I feel sick and am stupidly tired. Really wish people understood were I was coming from and that I actually believed that this is all in my head which I find difficult to do even though when the anxiety goes so do the aches and pains. Spose having high anxiety for 2 weeks straight will do this to you. dde01

12-17-2013, 10:27 AM
1. Must go see a Doctor.
2. Must tell Doc this stuff, even though you don't want too.
3. Must take meds that she prescribes.
4. Must get into therapy before this continues throughout your lifetime.

How old are you, if I may ask?


12-19-2013, 06:50 PM
I want to hug you..... I can relate to your fears and how frustrating it can be.....I have no advise at this time only a hug and I can commiserate!!!