View Full Version : Ho! Ho! Ouch!

12-17-2013, 12:02 AM
So, I've been dealing with chronic sinus infection crap and managed to convince myself I have some form of black mold poisoning from the basement of my house that's multiplying inside of me and eating away all my organs. Awesome. I'm glad I'm not prone to exaggeration. I finally start feeling a little better and decide to put up Christmas decorations and a tree. Awesome, right? A little holiday cheer? Well, I have 3 heavy, solid metal reindeer that I place on my fireplace mantel. As I was bent down this evening cleaning up the fireplace, one of the metal reindeer falls off the mantel and smacks me hard in the right temple. Now I have a nice little lump and a throbbing headache. I've also managed to convince myself that I have brain damage or a hemorrhage or something fatal. Like everyone else here, I'm not one to blow things out of proportion. Ha! Who the hell am I kidding?! Damn you, Google and your stupid stories of people dying after being hit on the head! If this doesn't kill me, next Christmas, these freaking metal reindeer will sit in storage, far away from my clumsy ass. Well, here's to ice packs and brain injuries. Cheers and Happy Holidays! Oh yeah. And paper decorations are much safer. Oh wait. Fire hazard. Damn. Is anything safe for an anxious mind?

12-17-2013, 03:16 AM

Sarcasm, humor, friggin awesome!

Chronic sinus infection's were also a thing of my past...

Do you eat or drink alot of dairy????

Yes, I also had the black mold (stahcybotrys) type in my friggin house, under some linoleum and behind a giant 9" tall basetrim. (house built in 1858)..

Yes, it affected me and my Lil C, 17yr old, female clone..(OMGAWDDD)...She actually had asthma until I found it and removed it, then she was cured. No more inhalers, medications, humidifiers in her room, it's never uneventful here.

I use a nasal spray every single day, and the chronic sinus thing is gone..it was partly due to just sinuses being dried out. Plus, the winter is the worst (furnace draws out moisture from the air) making my nasal system drier than a fart after eating a giant tub of popcorn..LMAO!

Considering all the wit I see typed here, I doubt that you'll suffer a brain hemorrage friend! Should kicked em like Chevy did (Christmas Vacation style)..

Happy Holiday's to you as well bruh!! (been to Gatlinburg, rode the tram...freaky man!)

E-Man :)

12-17-2013, 03:31 AM
I am sorry to say this made me giggle not that your hurt but your way of putting things haha

I had this mould in my house they told me it was because I dried clothes on the radiator but this was before my anxiety so I didn't blow it out of proportion

I would def keep the metal decs locked up next year

12-17-2013, 04:29 AM
Your post made me smile. I almost had a ho ho ouch this year too. Please take care and perhaps plastic decorations might be the safest way for all of us anxiety sufferers.....lol.

12-17-2013, 04:32 AM
I love your sarcasm and how you make light of a situation! Sorry to hear about you sinus infection, they hurt like a m****r f****r!!! Get some sinus srpay from docs!

You would have to hit your head a lot harder than that to cause any fatal damage!! A couple of years back, I used to get soo angry and hit my head against a brick wall (don't ask why!) and i'm still here!! Think i'm a little crazy but who isnt?

Happy Holidays!!

12-17-2013, 06:07 AM
I really like this thread title JLBn! Ho! Ho! ... Ouch!

12-17-2013, 07:20 AM
I like the thread title too.
Hey the reindeers should go to charity, it is safer for you. For the sinus infection there is a way. Nasal rinse, which is easy to do and you need just pure see salt and some baking soda. I have sinus problem and allergy for whole my loooooooong life. I do not touch any meds for that for over 5 years, but I use nasal rinse. Every single day which take like 3 minutes of my time. When I get a cold it lasts like two days, everything starts in your nose, so when you change the environment, the bacteria have great difficulties to survive. On summer time you rinse out allergens.
Using it you let your brain stay intact:))

12-18-2013, 02:01 AM
Thanks, all. Glad you got a laugh from my story. Sometimes we just have to laugh at ourselves. Despite my worries about the smack to the head, I survived with seemingly no problems (except an expected sore spot). Yeah, the sinus thing has been going on for a while. I actually have been using a neti pot saline rinse twice a day. It helps, but hasn't made it go away. Hoping to see an ENT specialist soon to get to the root of the problem. Anyway, cheers and hope everyone's doing well. -Jeff

12-18-2013, 08:49 AM
JLB there is something very tasty and easy to drink; raspberry tea is the only thingy that help for sinus infection. I had problem with it for years but neti pot seemed to help. I am still sneezing and sneezing but this is my allergy also, if not for flowers and trees is for A/C or Heating. Going to specialist is a good idea. Maybe you need some procedure done. Keep us posted and good luck. Did you put something cold on the bump on your head?

12-18-2013, 11:00 AM
I'll have to try the raspberry tea. That does sound good, and if it works...bonus! I did put an ice pack on the head bump. It's still a little tender, but much better. Thanks for the suggestions! -Jeff

12-18-2013, 12:28 PM
Jeff I was a trained herbalist in Poland (my old country) and I have a thousand and one ways to deal with it. Try to drink the raspberry tea at least ones a day,:)) The results should be show shortly, you could add some ginger (powdered is good, Cinnamon and lemon) to make it potent:)
Whatever you drink try to have it from good source, do not touch China ginger ok?

12-19-2013, 11:44 PM
That's awesome, Dahila. I really appreciate the info and will give the raspberry tea a try. I'm not sure how I would discern Chinese ginger from good ginger, though.

12-20-2013, 07:03 AM
I am not sure the ginger grown in Us is very good, china is everywhere but there is a lot of other countries that grow ginger. However I used china ginger sometimes, but is better to avoid it. No china garlic for sure