View Full Version : Hypnosis?

02-02-2008, 09:47 PM
Hi everyone, I am new and intend to post on the welcome board about my history and present situation but I couldn't wait to get your input on the subject of hypno-therapy for anxiety and/or depression. I have been a lurker on quite a few forums like this (finally I joined this one :) ) and have been surprised to not have seen any threads on the subject? Has anyone been treated by a hypnotherapist or bought any self-help hypnosis CD's/MP3's, and if so, have they helped? I have quite a few and find them relaxing to use but I really can't say whether they are changing anything about my thought process over time like they claim will happen? I am certain that what I need is to have some part of my mind re-programmed to think positively, because I just naturally gravitate toward worry and expecting the worst (which never happens yet I still don't learn my lesson :( ) I am waiting for the postitive input to "click" but old patterns are hard to change I guess?

Okay, I am rambling as usual. So what do you guys think on the subject?

02-03-2008, 10:10 AM
I've heard of some people online trying this, it seems that its about a 50/50 bet that it will work. Thats just my opinion from the posts ive read and people ive met.

Hope that helps!

02-04-2008, 01:16 PM
I am trying hypnotherapy at the moment and it doesn't seem to helping to much. But I have only gone once and I am listening to the tapes everyday. It has been a week only and the hypnotherapist said I probably won't notice anything until the 3rd session. She also said people who feel it doesn't work is because they do not finish the program....

I have done almost everything to get my disorder under control I am also looking at getting off my meds effexor and xanax.

Has anyone taken amoryn or seredyn??????