View Full Version : Repetative thoughts

12-16-2013, 01:39 PM
Hi all, does anyone have any advice on how to break the cycle of negative thoughts?
I have had anxiety for over a month now due to a stressful situation in my past, now everytime I feel I am getting over it both old and new worries about the situation reappears and I cannot shake it. So this means I have constantly stressing about the thought and then adding to my anxiety further. I feel like I can't win, I feel like my life is never going to go back to normal. I'm miserable. Please help!

12-16-2013, 01:56 PM
Hi, sorry your life is being ruined by these thoughts, I spent a long while in the same situation so I do understand the hell you are going through. In the end I had to speak to my Doctor about them, he prescribed me Sertraline and it has worked really well for me.

12-16-2013, 02:00 PM
Keep yourself busy! Listen to music, play a game, read a book anything. Don't just sit there in silence waiting for the thought to hit, it will drowned you. I am not saying it will go away but if you can keep your mind busy it wont haunt you as much.

12-16-2013, 02:00 PM
Hi the only thing i can suggest is to recognise when you are thinking in a negative way, when a negative thought comes into your head dont entertain it, dont even let yourself think about it. Shout no in your head or another word, or repeat a phrase or a song in your head until the thought goes away. This may feel strange and a bit mad at the start but as you do it more often you will get used to it, and be able to cope with these thoughts more easily. Also cbt is supposed to change the way we think and our thought processes, although ive never had it myself, it may be worth looking in to? hope it gets better for you.

12-16-2013, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the advice. My worries involve things going wrong in the future things I cannot control and I recognise that in the past I made a mistake and I have learnt from it but that doesn't stop it returning in the future and that's what I stress over. I know I can't change the past or control the future, but I feel like no matter how many times I tell myself that and that I need to accept it and move forward I can't physically do that.
I am trying to overcome my anxiety, I have a self-help book on order and an extremely supportive boyfriend but I feel like my life is spiralling out of control and this constant anxiety is running my life. I'm at the point that I'm either thinking about my worries or thinking that I'm not thinking about then, both reinforcing the worry. It just seems like everyday there is a new 'old' worry that occurs.

12-16-2013, 02:38 PM
I worry about the future also, i think its quite a common thing. Sometimes i can sit and get my self in to a state thinking how i will manage in the future if i dont get better, i worry how i will be able to have children since i am restricted by my anxiety, i worry that i will pass it on to them. I also worry that i will get worse in the future and get to a point where i feel so bad that there will be no coming back from it. I know that it must be so much harder for you since it is linked to things that nave happened in the past, but you have to have faith in yourself. You have to believe that you will make good choices and do the things that are best for you now, as these will lead to good things in the future. I know it is hard but you need to let go of the past, its not relevant anymore, you need to look forward. How long have you had the anxiety? Its good that you have a supportive boyfriend, use him as much as you can to talk to and lean on sometimes, thats what hes there for and thats what i use mine for! Just try to relax, listen to some calming music for 10 mins a day if you can this will help you distract yourself and to feel calm, without worry.

Hope this helps, Rhiannon

12-16-2013, 02:56 PM
Thank you for all your advice. I normally only get anxious around exams and new placements things like that, but about a month ago I woke up suddenly reflecting on the past and gaining a massive amount of anxiety, I thought it would have gone by now but there's always a lingering feeling, it has eased massively but not gone I just need to feel normal again, even tho I feel like I can't remember how that feels at this point (sounds dramatic I know). My boyfriend is great and I am able to talk, stress and cry to him whenever I need to he's amazing but i know he must be getting sick of it by now I know I am! Thank you again.

12-16-2013, 03:02 PM
Im sure he isnt getting sick of it, just think if it was the other way around would you be sick of him..im thinking youd be just as supportive and love him the same! If it has eased massively in a month then it will get better each day, thats a really good sign that it has improved. You sound grounded and like you are struggling a little but coping well on the whole. Youll be fine, just give it time..focus on each day and the good things that come with them..good luck!

12-16-2013, 03:02 PM
Hi I went through a stage were I kept thinking of death ! It was horrible I would make my self cry ! But it has passed because I kept busy and tried to take it of my mind by doing things , if you sit and just think of the negative thoughts there gonah get worse , watch tv , do something to keep you're mind of it ! I went through this and it's horrible but it's passed now :)

12-16-2013, 03:19 PM
I thought they would have gone completely because I have been so busy and things have been good because my boyfriend has returned home from the army, I should be at my happiest now and I'm so fed up and miserable. I have gone from being physically sick with worry to now regular worried thoughts, sounds daft but I now feel stuck as I can't see a way to fix this and make it better. I feel like I'm just venting to you guys now so I'm really sorry about that.

12-16-2013, 04:11 PM
Citrustwist! Lord I feel ya! I went to visit my army man a month ago.. While I was there I had family problems, thought I was pregnant and my dad died.. My anxiety and depression was trough the roof.. And I got down on myself.. Because I'd waited so long to be with my partner.. Then I was finally with him and was just not myself.. :(

12-16-2013, 04:26 PM
He's only home for a few months then he is going to afghan, our relationship is just as great as it ever has been, we've had a few hiccups cos of my anxiety but we have a strong relationship and his support has been incredible in helping me. I just don't want to burden him I'm trying to be normal. And I think it's going okay but inside I'm desperate for some sort of relief from my worries so I can enjoy every second I have with him. I believe my relationship will survive this as we really love each other but I'm worried that once this anxiety goes it will come back again, and I don't want him to worry about me coping as he has enough to deal with. I'm wondering whether I should go to the docs or wait till the new year I just want to feel normal. I have never experienced this amount of anxiety for such a long period of time.