View Full Version : Anyone get anxious about eating?

12-16-2013, 10:35 AM
I've got health anxiety and depression and along with stomach upset my appetite has been poor for 3 months. I have to force myself to eat a lot of the time.
I'm not scared to eat. It's almost like I'm afraid the food will make me sick/unwell .

12-16-2013, 10:46 AM

You have to eat a balanced diet, or the brain/body doesn't work correctly friend.
What medications are you taking now for these mental disorders?
There's a simple reason or explanation why food makes you feel sick, but I can tell you're hungry and want to eat..
We'll need just a little bit more info to help you figure this out, if that's ok?


12-16-2013, 11:39 AM
Hi ive been suffering with anxiety on and off for a long time, and alot of it is linked to eating out at resturants and generally not at my house. When i feel anxious the first thing that i notice is my apetite disappears, this is a common reaction as your digestive system pauses in order to respond to the issue and prepare your body for flight/fight. So when you stop feeling anxious and stop worrying about eating, your digestive system will reboot and you will become hungry again. This is easier than it sounds i know from experience but it will work. As for being afraid of food making you sick, i also have a phobia of being sick which means i tend to avoid eating chicken and most meats, this may be the same for you? The way of over coming this is to eat the foods and when you arent sick from it, you will become less worried, you have to expose yourself to what you fear for it to become less scary.
Hope this helps.

12-16-2013, 11:54 AM
I get anxious about eating. But it's because I know it gives me more chest pressure, and sometimes pain, from feeling bloated etc. Having little to no appetite right now doesn't help that, so doubly don't want to eat.
But I try and force a small meal in me a day right now, and a spot of fruit here and there. Seems like you need to change the behaviours which make you attribute food to bad things, when it should be entirely good reasons to eat. E-man should hopefully be able to give some good advice on this!

12-16-2013, 11:56 AM
Hey Chris,
Thanks for your reply, I'm only on propanolol. My appetite is terrible in the day but picks up at bit in the evening. Docs say I have depression and anxiety but surely it can't cause real bad nausea and extreme appetite issues ? Just don't know anyone who has been effected in this way by anxiety.

12-16-2013, 11:57 AM
Hey Chris,
Thanks for your reply, I'm only on propanolol. My appetite is terrible in the day but picks up at bit in the evening. Docs say I have depression and anxiety but surely it can't cause real bad nausea and extreme appetite issues ? Just don't know anyone who has been effected in this way by anxiety.

I think it really is quite normal. Starting my meds and I have been dealing with no appetite, eating very little, it is definitely a part of your anxiety, but also may be made worse by medication which if it causes nausea and sickly feelings does not help, which is what I'm going through.

12-16-2013, 12:04 PM
Hey Chris,
Thanks for your reply, I'm only on propanolol. My appetite is terrible in the day but picks up at bit in the evening. Docs say I have depression and anxiety but surely it can't cause real bad nausea and extreme appetite issues ? Just don't know anyone who has been effected in this way by anxiety.

This is 100% a side effect from feeling anxious, ive had it so now you know someone who has been affected by it :) it gets better trust me


12-17-2013, 04:49 AM
Thanks for your replies everyone. It's just a scary experience as the symptoms as is powerful. Rhiannon, I don't avoid eating chicken but I've heard that's a common avoidance food. I mainly avoid curry and creamy stuff. Just find forcing myself to eat every morning is exhausting !! It gets me down and I imagine it gets you guys down too at times. X

12-17-2013, 07:19 AM
I hate eating socially or in restaurants but mostly cos im afraid of choking...i.hv chest anxiety n thus swallowing is a bitch for me :(

12-17-2013, 07:44 AM
Hi Sharon, I get anxious in restuarants because I fear I will vomit infront of people. My fears around good are not so much the choking but the fear if being sick. Are you getting any help? I've started CBT, had 5 sessions but she said ifs a slow process with ups and downs.

12-17-2013, 09:13 AM
Hi Stacey, not getting help, this eating thing is quite new..but had chest anxiety forever....

12-17-2013, 09:18 AM
Even on a good day I need to have a table that is near a wall