View Full Version : The Secret

12-16-2013, 05:11 AM
A little while ago, a friend recommended a book to me called 'The Secret'. I felt a bit sceptical about what she told me about it but bought the book and film anyway. I would pick up and put the down the book every so often and I wasnt really grasping the conecept so I decided to watch the film. After watching it, I felt soooo positive and reasurred that the few days thats followed, I was in such a good place, feeling no symptoms of anxiety!

The Secret is all about the law of attraction and the thoughts that you emit into the universe. The more positive thoughts you emit into the universe, the more positive things the universe will give back to you. At first, I wasn't sure if any of it was true, but I applied The Secret and was amazed at how well I felt, I felt like myself for the first time in a long time! There are sooo many success stories from people who have applied The Secret. My friends mum is a perfect example, a few years ago she had stage 4 cancer and when she was told about the secret, she applied it to her every day life and now she is cancer free and alive!!

You don't have to believe it, but I really would recommend you at least read it, as it already has had such a positive affect on my every day life. Of course, I still suffer from anxiety as I have only just started to apply The Secret and it does take time but I already feel a lot better!

Its your choice...


12-16-2013, 06:29 AM
Hey Ashlee :)

How's life?

Studies have shown over and over again, that those who 'believe' in something, have far greater recovery rates, than those who don't. It doesn't seem to matter too much what you believe in, whether it be God, or destiny, or positive energy... Heck, even believing in the Cookie Monster has better rates of recovery from virtually all health conditions, than pessimism.

Recently they've added a third category into recovery from psychological conditions, and that was the spiritual category. Just focusing on mind and body weren't always enough to help a person. The connection to something, to some energy somewhere, a bigger process than yourself, is indescribably huge when it comes to any form of mental well being!

It's great you've managed to connect to something, and to improve your overall feeling of belief and optimism. I have every faith this will help you a lot :)

Now I'm just off to emit a few warm pizza vibes out into the world.<3

Thanks for sharing a good post, and what's helping you!

12-16-2013, 06:41 AM
Hey Jessed03, life isn't too bad.. a few worries but trying to clear them from my mind! How are you?

Thank you for that... I do believe that your mind is such a powerful thing and the more positive you are up there, the more it will show in your body.. Positive mind, positive body! I'm just hoping that I can apply this to every day life and eventually come off my meds, because I really don't like taking them!

Thanks for your support! I think you've sent them vibes this way because I really fancy a Pizza now!!!

12-16-2013, 07:02 AM
I'm doing pretty well! Very quiet office today, it's been an hour since I've even done any work!

How long have you been practicing the exercises in the book?

P.s. You wanted pizza? Damn, I already sent out Meal Deal vibes ;)

12-16-2013, 07:22 AM
Yeah its really quiet here as well which is weird because it's usually our busiest time of year!!

Only about a week! They're not really exercises as such, just things like being thankful, ask, beleive, receive... its all good!

I was good today, I had a chicken salad (leftover dinner) so saved money and was healthy as well :)