View Full Version : Advice if you can please

12-16-2013, 01:46 AM
So I am going into week 4 of Sertraline and I had a tough couple of day when I first started but then for 2 weeks ish I felt great then on my 3rd week I started to feel bad again

Do you think it's possible I have had a medication burn out all ready? Feel like I am slipping back to my previous self

12-16-2013, 02:30 AM
Hey mummy,

I'd say it's very, very unlikely it was a burn out. If anything, the med still hasn't gotten into full swing yet. All these meds do really is balance Serotonin.

Serotonin is the 'feel good' chemical, and at first, whilst it's balancing it out, you get periods of a little more of it which makes you feel good, then a little less of it, which makes you feel crappy.

Also sadly, these meds will only really take the edge of off anxiety. The rest has to be done manually. A lot of people feel good for a bit, but the old bad anxiety habits didn't change, and they slip back into to old ways. I know you've had a bit of stress recently, with the propanol issue, blue lips, Xmas etc. All of that finds it's way into the body and into the mind. Not your fault actually, some legit concerns, but when we have anxiety our methods of dealing with it aren't so good, and we get a lot of tension in the muscles, adrenaline In the body, and a lot of worry in the mind we can't always shake so quickly. That stuff can linger for ages, and create some bad spirals.

It's why it's really really important to do at least one relaxation exercise daily (meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, guided relaxation on YouTube etc) and to do some sort of psychotherapy like CBT.

If you aren't already :)

12-16-2013, 02:43 AM
I am doing CBT the last time she seen me she wanted a 2 week break because I was doing so well so I will be seeing her on Friday I missed last week but I seemed to go down hill last week

I just seem to be getting the side effects properly 2 week later than most people I am usually an on time person as well haha

12-16-2013, 03:06 AM
Have you found a combo yet with the propanol and setraline that you're settled on?

That's always a good sign when your therapist suggests a 2 week break :)

The thing about CBT is even that can take a few months before you start to see real effects in your everyday life! Everything takes time huh!

You should get some settled mood around the 8-12 week mark on the Setraline. At that point you'll probably notice the CBT working in your day to day life, and the Setraline should have taken the edge off of most of the anxious stuff.

Progressive muscle relaxation may speed it up a week or two.

You seem to doing well though. I notice some changes in your posts compared to some weeks ago, that stand out for the better :)

12-16-2013, 03:17 AM
Have you found a combo yet with the propanol and setraline that you're settled on?

That's always a good sign when your therapist suggests a 2 week break :)

The thing about CBT is even that can take a few months before you start to see real effects in your everyday life! Everything takes time huh!

You should get some settled mood around the 8-12 week mark on the Setraline. At that point you'll probably notice the CBT working in your day to day life, and the Setraline should have taken the edge off of most of the anxious stuff.

Progressive muscle relaxation may speed it up a week or two.

You seem to doing well though. I notice some changes in your posts compared to some weeks ago, that stand out for the better :)

Not at the minute I am still in the process of reducing it I will be reducing my afternoon one today so will be on 30 20 20 then hopefully I will find some relief I am tired of feeling crap

I am back at the gp next Monday and he said he might up my dose to 100 instead of 50 and I think I am stressing out about getting side effects again

I really hate this anxiety it's shaping me into a different person

12-16-2013, 03:31 AM
My work place is dead this morning. So boring!

Taking a little longer to find that balance I see. I hope you nail it soon. Sounds like you're getting closer. Maybe the dose of setraline isnt enough if the doc wants to put it up. Once you find that good dose, it's bliss though. You suffer so long, then you wake up one day, and life's quite easy... And you think... AHHHH FINALLY!!!!!!

You think you'll be able to relax and have a fun Christmas?

12-16-2013, 03:43 AM
My work place is dead this morning. So boring!

Taking a little longer to find that balance I see. I hope you nail it soon. Sounds like you're getting closer. Maybe the dose of setraline isnt enough if the doc wants to put it up. Once you find that good dose, it's bliss though. You suffer so long, then you wake up one day, and life's quite easy... And you think... AHHHH FINALLY!!!!!!

You think you'll be able to relax and have a fun Christmas?

What is it you do? I haven been to work for 6 weeks my doctor signed me off having Health anxiety and working in a gp surgery is not good

I think the balance prob wasn't causing so much of the problems but the fact I kept checking my pulse and its dipping as low as 50 on the 30mg dose so I think dropping the dose is a good thing can't wait for that bliss feeling I might be more motivated to clean my house every day like I used to

Where you originally from I seen in another post you moved to a diff country?

I am hoping christmas isn't going to be a problem because its such a busy day for us we have 3 places to visit and cram dinner into that aswell

12-16-2013, 04:09 AM
Lol @ cleaning the house.

I just work in sales. Pretty easy.

Who's cooking that Xmas dinner this year?

12-16-2013, 04:40 AM
Lol @ cleaning the house.

I just work in sales. Pretty easy.

Who's cooking that Xmas dinner this year?

My mam is cooking it I just don't have time there's too much pettiness with my partners family over Xmas so it's always a tiring day