View Full Version : Insomnia and Anxiety

12-15-2013, 10:53 PM
It's been a while since I've posted here. I've been doing so well. I've been up for approx. 36 hours and cannot find relief. I take Klonopin, Topamax (for my headaches), and Zoloft. None of which are putting me to sleep. I'm miserable. I'm basically acting like a child and fighting my sleep for fear of dying in my sleep from a pulmonary embolism (my illness of choice this week).

Anyone experience insomnia that does not respond to medication because you are so anxious? I'm ready to pull my hair out.

12-16-2013, 01:06 AM
I like your avatar. It's funny :) very fitting for a psych grad!

Is the Zoloft affecting your sleep too, or is it pretty much just an anxiety thing?

12-16-2013, 01:25 AM
One of my professors used it during a lecture and I loved it. :) lol

I've never had really good sleep patterns, but the Zoloft has not done anything to make it worse. I've never had this happen where I've stayed up for more than a day straight even after taking Klonopin, though. That usually knocks me right out. On a scale of 1-10, my anxiety is at about a 12 right now. I hadn't had a bad experience like this for months. Weird. I'm going to take another Klonopin soon and hopefully I can finally rest!

12-16-2013, 01:38 AM
A 12 isn't good!! I think we better start off by talking about your mother.. (A little Freud joke :))

Yeah, another Klonopin seems a pretty good idea!

Does a Pulm.emb hold any significance in your life, any new fear you've had this time that you haven't had before?

12-16-2013, 01:48 AM
My anxiety of "choice" is health anxiety. For 7 years, I thoroughly believed I had advanced brain cancer even though everyone assured me I did not. Finally, just a couple weeks ago, my neuro ordered an MRI to put me a ease (7 years too late--damage is done) & everything was normal. I've moved onto something else.. Pulmonary embolisms. And that's where I'm at right now.
It sounds completely crazy (trust me.. I know...) but I'll see doctors upon doctors until they can prove to me I don't have one.
It's a never-ending cycle. My medicine usually holds it at bay, but these past couple of days have been rouuuuggghhh. I like to write it out. Makes me feel a little less crazy. Lol

12-16-2013, 02:11 AM
Ah, so you have the old switch-a-roo type of anxiety. Yeah that kinds a bitch (if you'll pardon my French)

Writings good obviously! :) I hope it helps. Like I need to tell a psych grad!

A lot of people on here now have their own diary threads!

I hope your little green light going out means you managed to Zz-off. You must have been looking pretty darn hot after 36hours no sleep hehe