View Full Version : Head Issues

12-15-2013, 02:17 PM
Since yesterday, I've been feeling a strange feeling in the left side of my head. Not really a headache, but ... fuzziness or cloudiness ... maybe a pressure? It's hard to explain. I'm sure it could be a number of things: it was rainy and cold yesterday; overstimulation from being on my phone and computer so much lately; or just plain anxiety. It's just a weird feeling that I can't shake. Anyone else experience this?

Lee Grant Irons
12-15-2013, 02:56 PM
Sure have. I experienced this early in my illness. To me, it felt like a very slight numbness or "pulling" on the right side of my face and around my ear.

12-15-2013, 03:27 PM
Sure have....To me, it felt like a very slight numbness or "pulling" on the right side of my face and around my ear.

My wife used to (and to a lesser degree still does) get a spasm that pulls one or both ears, it looks like a slow version of someone wiggling their ears except it's commonly just on one side. This sounds remarkably like what is being discussed on this thread.

12-15-2013, 06:25 PM
I'm wondering if my head is feeling like this because of Klonopin... Can you have Klonopin withdrawal if you only took it for a few days? My last dose was Friday night (.25mg), and I know the half-life is around 35 hours, but would I experience any withdrawal symptoms if I had only taken it 3-4 days in a row?

I'm thinking about taking melatonin or L-Theanine tonight to see if that helps.

12-15-2013, 06:58 PM
[QUOTE=meganeveryday;134673]I'm wondering if my head is feeling like this because of Klonopin...(possibly yes)

I'm thinking about taking melatonin (good choice, about 1mg if you have that up to 3mg but you'll be reeallllyyyy groggy tomorrow)..
