View Full Version : Feels like I can bearly breathe

12-14-2013, 09:03 PM
Ugh... This freaking anxiety. I'm feeling like I'm having trouble breathing right now. Like asthma, but I don't really have asthma. It's all in my head. Someone... Please help me put my mind at ease.

12-14-2013, 10:11 PM
Yes I feel like this majority of my anxiety attacks! Do you breath through your mouth during them? Try belly breathing to help calm you and bring your anxiety down! Just know that your not going to stop breathing And that if something was seriously wrong with you would have already happened! Good luck with your anxiety and hope your systems subside so you can live and breath peacefully!

12-14-2013, 11:12 PM
It is totally normal you feel this way, it is a symptom of anxiety for the throat to tighten. To me, I am always worried I am having an allergic reactions, for you, you feel like you have asthma. If it was only when I have panic attacks I would almost be happy, but to me I feel like I cant breath for most of the day.. Try to focuse on the fact your belly is rising, meaning air is coming through, rather then focusing on your throat that is too tight from anxiety.

12-14-2013, 11:33 PM
I had that last night pink flies! I thought I had an allergic reaction.. Was horrible! But I knew it wasn't after I distracted myself but as soon as I was calm and tryed to get back to sleep I panicked again.. Went in for 2 hours haha damn anxiety

12-14-2013, 11:34 PM
Pinkfiles* damn auto correct! Haha

12-16-2013, 08:44 PM
Thanks everyone for the replies... Yeah, I'll just be sitting there or whatever and then it just feels like I just can't breathe too well all of the sudden. It happens everyday whether I'm anxious or not. I notice that I just barely breathe when I'm just sitting/laying and not doing much of anything.

12-16-2013, 11:41 PM
When I feel like this, the best thing I've found that works for me is to change the subject. By that, I mean stop sitting there thinking about your breathing. I know it's not easy, but try to make yourself get up and do something to get your mind to shift gears. Go for a walk with somebody. Call a friend or family member, tell them how you feel and ask them to talk about something funny or pleasant to help you get it off your mind. Maybe reading something comforting can help. If you have anything with menthol or camphor in it, try inhaling some of that. Sometimes it works really well to make it feel like your airways have really opened up. Try some guided muscle relaxation exercises. There are some good ones on YouTube. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it's not stressful, but comforting to you. The important thing is to tell yourself that it's just anxiety lying to your mind and body, that you're ok and your breathing is just fine. Say it out loud and repeat it often if you need to. Hope that helps and you feel better soon.