View Full Version : New girl

12-14-2013, 05:32 PM
Hi all…My name is Julia. I'm 28 and currently an undergrad student about to graduate in the spring. I just started taking Lexapro three days ago.

I have been struggling with panic and anxiety for the last 3 years. I had started getting better and recently been falling so far backwards. The "type" of panic attacks I have been having are very different from the way they once were, so I've made 3 trips to the emergency room in the last 3 weeks.

Five days ago, my heart rate jumped up to 160 and my arms went numb. I felt dizzy and nauseas. We went to the emergency room and everything was fine.

Tonight, I was sitting with my friend just chatting and my temple started fluttering and a wave of heat washed over my body and I got this metallic taste in my mouth. We went to the emergency room and they said everything was still fine.

I am looking for some support in regards to how panic attacks feel for people. Do people experience varieties in how they feel? I don't know anyone else with a panic disorder as severe as me. It's so hard in that moment not to go to the emergency room, but I am costing myself a fortune and a variety of medical tests have said that I am fine.

On top of this, I know how difficult this has been on my fiancee who is a total champ and always comes willingly to the emergency room with me even though he knows it's panic before we get there. He loves me and is always there to support me, but I feel extremely guilty for cutting into plans that he makes and then has to bail on because he's taking care of me.

I'm hoping I can make some friends on here. I think that the best thing for me (and I would assume everyone else on here, which is why it exists :)) is to have people who can understand and relate to what I'm going through.


12-14-2013, 06:34 PM
Yes Julia,
We've all experienced panic attacks friend. Most of us anyway.
It all starts with one tiny thought or feeling, that are sometimes difficult to even recall.
Brain, sends signal to glands, sends signal for chemical dump, sends physical body into "protection" mode, flight or fight, all blood rushes to core to protect vital organs from a certain dread and doom, yet, there's nothing there to cause us any harm to begin with.
Yes, an instant wave of heat. Had them many, many times. Standing in lines while shopping, sitting in a tiny office conference about tough subjects, waiting for someone to stop reading labels on food packages so I can get the same thing I always do,..etc...etc.. It can be unbareable.
Get away from the intense panic causing event, it subsides, then analyze why that even happened?
Lexapro is a pretty good option, probably give you some energy too (at least that what patient reviews say) and I hope it helps you too.
Generally taken in the am, unless your Doc specified otherwise. And with food, to ease any stomach issues.
Never been to an ER, I knew that panic attacks have never killed anyone, and in fact, they're vital for survival if you're a Soldier and under threat.
Quicker reaction times, quicker response times, alert, aware,...
Lexapro (as well as all other Ad's) can slightly increase anxiety at first in certain people, you just never know if that's going to be you or not. We're all different.
Our attacks are generally the same. Just try to avoid the ER visits. Nothing can be done for panic attacks anyway.
At your next follow up visit to the Doc, ask for an anti-anxiety medication (lexapro is a dual action but takes awhile to work) like ativan, xanax, klonopin. (benzo).
Also, if your BP is high, ask for a beta-blocker (adrenaline blocker) like atenolol. It makes the physical effects of panic not so noticable to anyone else, but you still may feel them.
Don't feel guilty about the hospital things yet, youre still figuring this out. Just don't let it continue to alarm you. Step away from the situations, events, and get some fresh air, glass of ice water to lower core temps, and sit down...breathe. That's about it, our only defense until meds kick in.
You've got friends here, were all in this same predicament together and we all learn ways to cope with it too..

See you around Julia!

E-Man. :)

12-14-2013, 09:38 PM
When it happens to me I lose.my breath . See silver dots like I'm going to blackout. My face has gone numb before. Arms numb. I cry. Feel like I'm choking. All sorts of different things happen. Its sad but eventually you get used to it and although you feel like you're going to die deep down you know you won't so it helps with the er visits. Ill full out panic have a full-blown melt down get sick or black out now before I go to the hospital haha.

12-15-2013, 11:49 AM
Yes Julia, We've all experienced panic attacks friend. Most of us anyway. It all starts with one tiny thought or feeling, that are sometimes difficult to even recall. Brain, sends signal to glands, sends signal for chemical dump, sends physical body into "protection" mode, flight or fight, all blood rushes to core to protect vital organs from a certain dread and doom, yet, there's nothing there to cause us any harm to begin with. Yes, an instant wave of heat. Had them many, many times. Standing in lines while shopping, sitting in a tiny office conference about tough subjects, waiting for someone to stop reading labels on food packages so I can get the same thing I always do,..etc...etc.. It can be unbareable. Get away from the intense panic causing event, it subsides, then analyze why that even happened? Lexapro is a pretty good option, probably give you some energy too (at least that what patient reviews say) and I hope it helps you too. Generally taken in the am, unless your Doc specified otherwise. And with food, to ease any stomach issues. Never been to an ER, I knew that panic attacks have never killed anyone, and in fact, they're vital for survival if you're a Soldier and under threat. Quicker reaction times, quicker response times, alert, aware,... Lexapro (as well as all other Ad's) can slightly increase anxiety at first in certain people, you just never know if that's going to be you or not. We're all different. Our attacks are generally the same. Just try to avoid the ER visits. Nothing can be done for panic attacks anyway. At your next follow up visit to the Doc, ask for an anti-anxiety medication (lexapro is a dual action but takes awhile to work) like ativan, xanax, klonopin. (benzo). Also, if your BP is high, ask for a beta-blocker (adrenaline blocker) like atenolol. It makes the physical effects of panic not so noticable to anyone else, but you still may feel them. Don't feel guilty about the hospital things yet, youre still figuring this out. Just don't let it continue to alarm you. Step away from the situations, events, and get some fresh air, glass of ice water to lower core temps, and sit down...breathe. That's about it, our only defense until meds kick in. You've got friends here, were all in this same predicament together and we all learn ways to cope with it too.. See you around Julia! E-Man. :)

Hi there,

Along with obsessing about my heart rate I obsess about the affect it is having on my BP and heart. Would you suggest a beta blocker?

Thank you