View Full Version : Carbon Monoxide / Anxiety / Symptoms

02-01-2008, 09:04 AM

When I was 18 (I'm 20 now) I had come into contact with a leaky water heater in my room where I got a pain in my heart and fainted and nearly died. At least thats how it felt, anyway. I went to the doctor, and also the cardiologist, and they said that my heart is completely fine, I had an EKG, and blood tests. Carbon monoxide showed up in my blood in usual levels but apparently no heart damage. But, ever since that even I've been having episodes similar to heart attacks, and every time I goto the E.R., they either think I'm on drugs or tell me my heart is perfectly normal according the EKG minus "sinustachycardia" which is apparently benign. But I've heard that someitmes EKG'S dont always tell you if you have a heart condition or not.

These are my symptoms and I wanted everyone to take a look over them and see if they can identify with any and or all of them, and if they sound like a severe anxiety disorder, or a heart condition, or both:

Pain in my left arm that radiates up to my neck and sometimes into my jaw depending on how severe the episode is.
Palpitations and pain my heart or chest area.
Constant awareness of my pulse/heartbeat unless under the influence of alcohol
Tingling hands, sometimes feet, never numbness though that I can remember.
Sweating, Dizziness, and sometimes trouble breathing
and also a sensation of my throat tightening up - rarely, but it happens.

After these attacks I am extremely exhausted,

but some of the symptoms, like the pain in my left arm, and the palpitations happen before I work myself up, then it turns into a full blown panic attack because the symptoms scare me, and I've never heard of the symptoms actually happening before the scared feeling, or fear or panic. Drinking seems to resolve most of them, so thats become an issue for me now too, I used to take klonopin but decided to quit because they have too many side effects and I wanted to try to deal with it on my own.

I was wondering if anyone else here on this forum experiences something similar to my situation, and maybe what I should or seek out.

Thank you very much.

05-09-2009, 07:43 PM
I have to say most DR.'S do not understand to effects of CO! I had CO poisioning about 10 years ago and have suffered anxiety and heart issues like you have discribed ever since. It took me 9 years to figure out that I truely did have a heardt issue and it was determined that CO was the cause by my Cardiologist. I have SVTS. A rapid heart beat. Please have you DR. order a 30 day EKG, that's the only way they found mine. Also no anti depressents or anti anxiety meds help with the anxiety. I take ativan when the episodes are way to much to handle. Hope this helps!