View Full Version : Overwhelmed

12-14-2013, 04:56 PM
Even tho I've only just turn 32 for the past year due to stressful circumstance my anxiety has been high. However I feel old I feel scared I feel as tho my 3 beautiful children are growing up too fast and I fear old age illness and death but I feel as tho time is going far to quick quick Thani am and quicker than I want it too :( some times I feel like yesterday I was a 12 yr old girl no cares or worries and I've just woke up 32 married and 3 children I just think wow where have all those years gone it fels like all my memories are a dream I dnt knw if anyone else feels this way or if it's all the stress I've been under for over a yr that has contributed answer if any one else feels this way

12-14-2013, 05:43 PM
Yeah, I feel that way too. I've got a lot of stress in my life (not sure that this year is any worse than the previous ones though...Well, it's not really much worse but my mental state is). I'm actually younger than you but I feel old. These days go by faster and faster all the time. I have freakin fine lines and white hairs (getting more all the time!). I'm glad to not be the only one that feels like time's passing her by.

12-14-2013, 05:59 PM
It's scary I just feel like before I knw it I'm going to be old and unable to do anything nd that's why anxiety can piss me off cuz it's a time waster nd it prevents u from enjoying life and enjoying being a young woman nd having fun :/. I've had 15 months of a court case that put my life on hold for all that time nd I've been trapped in that time scale so that set my anxiety off but I just get scared of how quick life actually goes and it's dragging me along with it even tho I'm not ready :(

12-14-2013, 06:23 PM
I know... God. I do not want to be old... and I don't want to die either. I waste so much time. Geeze, we're in our "prime" (youthfulness and stuff) but can't even enjoy it! I hate that too. I just try to get through everyday and then wow, where did the day go? These are supposed to be the best years but my mind has ruined it. Not sure what else to say, but every season has its change. Hoping things are better soon. Hope helps me get through this.

12-14-2013, 06:47 PM
I've had 15 months of a court case that put my life on hold for all that time(

Out of the past 108 months, I have had cases pending for exactly 70 months...I know that feeling. Apprehension, tension, and I'm far from patient.....(sigh)..

Not counting the ones that my kids are involved in...phew.. Gotta hang in there.

12-15-2013, 10:12 AM
Out of the past 108 months, I have had cases pending for exactly 70 months...I know that feeling. Apprehension, tension, and I'm far from patient.....(sigh).. Not counting the ones that my kids are involved in...phew.. Gotta hang in there.. I am same it went on and on it took them 6 months to charge me cuz ther was domestic violence between me nd hubby in the past nd one nyte I retaliated nd a girl got involved so basically was been charge for two assaults they wanted to do me for high charges to begin wiv but after 6 months of keep being re bailed they charged me then kept getting court cases that wer changed it all got on top of me nd really caused me so much stress nd because I've dne a degree in criminology I knew the charges wer far worse than what the actual injuries wer do that angered nd frustrated me nd in the end they further lowered the charges it got me mad cause all that stress nd worry was for nothing but because it was on my head for 15 months it really destroyed a part of me nd I'm slowly getting my life bk but it's been hard nd very very stressful tbh