View Full Version : Anxiety sucks

12-14-2013, 04:46 PM
Basically fuck anxiety.. Dammit! Had to go to a 21st last night, make a speech on the spot and be surrounded by drunk people consistently in my bubble.. Was awful! I had a couple drinks so I in ally decided to go home and I was okay until I layed down and just PANIC! So nasusious head spinning really couldn't breath and I couldn't take anything because I had booze.. I only had 2 drinks so it was just a panic attack.. But it went in for 2 hours!! Until I finally was just so exhausted I passed out... I'm over it, I'm alright now I can go to work, i can go to the shops I can go to the gym.. But social things just panic me and laying in bed with nothing but thoughts.. Kills me..

12-14-2013, 05:30 PM
Yes... It sucks indeed. I recently quit drinking (and coffee/caffeine too). I'm not going to aid the anxiety to take me over... And yeah, it's ridiculous how distracted and occupied I have to keep myself these days just to keep these awful thoughts and feelings from consuming me. I wasn't always this way. *sigh* It is hell.