View Full Version : How to stop worrying about the future world? :(

12-14-2013, 03:47 PM
it's so scary

12-14-2013, 04:03 PM
That's why you study as much technoligy as you can, when you can, because without technoligy, your camera doesn't work and you can't make a film...A robot will never be able to make people "feel" a certain way by creating a "visual" experience as in a movie...maybe at Disney World, but it took a guy like you, to make it anyways..
You'll find that special someone, in fact, she may already have her eyes on you to begin with..waiting for you to say "hi"..


12-14-2013, 04:19 PM
Thanks man :)

12-14-2013, 04:41 PM
And friend, there will always be family...that can never be broken bruh..

Have a Merry Christmas and have some fun! (I would give you some fun party ideas but then I'd be enabling you..LOL!)


12-14-2013, 04:51 PM
...i know that a computer could do my job 1000 times better than a human could do it...

Some things computers can do better, others not. Facial recognition, they'll tell you they have it down pat, but I'm not convinced. People have wonderful intuitive senses, something that Jung felt comes from subliminal perception, but it may be more complicated than that. There are fairly well documented cases of parapsychological occurrences, I don't think computers will ever be in on that.

I always like the saying that "only computers are capable of making 1000s of mistakes per second". It's not always garbage input either, things go wrong at the hardware level. We trust computers too much. They design things using computers and minimal material engineering and end up killing people because the data wasn't correct, years ago they over-engineered stuff for a safety factor.

And, one day, if war breaks out, and the EMP weapons are employed, we'll all be lost. Better we keep track of some of the old ways so that we can survive without them.

Find an angle on this stuff for filmmaking, don't give in to the dark side.


12-14-2013, 05:13 PM
Hi, thanks for your post :); I like that saying, i'm gonna keep that in mindset