View Full Version : How my head works

12-14-2013, 03:00 PM
I'm suffering from anxiety and depression I mostly get anxious about the relationships In my life. This is what I call "the mental loop"

1. get excited about something/someone
2. I worry about it not being what I am excited for or what I expect

There then are 2 options #A is where something positive does happen and #B is when it doesn't

3. I find a flaw in the success and it never amounts to what I expect
4. I get paranoid and more anxious about the flaws
5. I get depressed that the anxiety makes me feel like 1 2 3 4
6. I push people further away and blame myself for the success' failures (even If there is no failure overall)
7.i have less motivation, will power, hope, until something new comes around and go back to 1.

3. I blame myself and get more a paranoid/ anxious about situations
4. I get depressed that anxiety is doing this to me
5. I push people further away and isolate myself further

Though this is really vague i wonder if anyone can relate. Take the words out of this and fill it with ur life examples see how u respond.

The use of the word "excited" is vague this should e replaced by something more suited to u

12-14-2013, 03:10 PM
I replace the word "excited" with the word "expectations"...all of those words revolve around that one word friend. You have high expectations that everyone is going to do, be, seem, act, feel, as you expect them too...then that leads to all this other stuff, fear, rejection, let downs, then of course it grows even more into self worth, self confidence, self esteem..etc....

Lower your expectations to 0, then everything will fall into place. There will be so much that fell on yer lap you won't know what to do with it bruh!!


12-14-2013, 03:17 PM
I replace the word "excited" with the word "expectations"...all of those words revolve around that one word friend. You have high expectations that everyone is going to do, be, seem, act, feel, as you expect them too...then that leads to all this other stuff, fear, rejection, let downs, then of course it grows even more into self worth, self confidence, self esteem..etc.... Lower your expectations to 0, then everything will fall into place. There will be so much that fell on yer lap you won't know what to do with it bruh!! E-Man.....:)

How do I turn my expectations to 0 I wish I could just not give a fuck about anyone or anything. You can't just expect nothing from anyone subconsciously u will always have an assumption in your head maybe my problem is I dwell on assumptions to much and am deeply affected by them
Furthermore it's not just people I use this cycle in all things I worry and get anxious about

12-14-2013, 03:28 PM
Not saying that you have to quit caring about anyone, just lower your expectations of the "relationship" issues that seem to be your main focus. Yes, assumptions, presumptions, speculations, are all a part of your expectations which no one else knows about, except you friend...That's the problem.

Yes, you use this same cycle with everything, hence: depression/anxiety because things don't look like, or go like, you think they're supposed too...yet you're the only one that knows what that look or outcome even is...
