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12-14-2013, 01:08 PM
Hey there! My name is April. I'm 27, soon to be 28. I have been married for 8 years, together for almost 10. My husband and I have 5 year old boy/girl twins and a two and a half year old son as well.

I have always had issues with vomit. I didn't know it was anxiety. My anxiety goes crazy just from someone saying their stomach doesn't feel well, even if it is someone I won't necessarily be around (on FB or over the phone, etc.) Anytime anyone has been sick around me I have broken down into tears, I want to run away from the situation, I am "messed up" for days, I won't have an appetite for a few days. Luckily my children haven't been too sick in their short 5 years, until recently. But the first couple times they had gotten sick I would be paralyzed and not be able to be the mom I should be for them. I started going to Therapy because I do not like the idea of taking medicine. After several months, I told my therapist it was time for me to try some sort of medicine. I talked to my doctor and we agreed on Sertraline. I was on that for 16 months and the one time one of my children got sick, I was able to handle it (better than I would have without it and the fact that my mother in law was there to help I think eased me). I wanted to come off of the Sertraline because it made me soooo tired, my libido went down to absolutely nothing which was tearing up my marriage, and it made me gain some weight. I felt I was at a point I could come off of it. I was completely off of it this past July. By October I had talked to my doctor again. He wanted me to try Wellbutrin. I didn't get it right away. I got it a week ago and I have been miserable ever since being on it. I talked to a lot of people who had been on it and they all hated it as well. I think it had a part in me hitting this depressed state that I'm fighting for the last couple days. I am having thoughts of how I don't want to be a mother or wife any more. I really feel that if I left my husband and children I could walk away and never look back. That is how I know something is not right. I have had a lot on me the last few weeks between two of my children passing a stomach bug, one had strep, one had an ear infection, stress of the holidays, my husband and I were almost to a point of splitting a few weeks back (not related to my anxiety issues). So I think I just had let every thing snowball and I can't handle it anymore. Therefore I started the Wellbutrin a week ago and now I'm off of it already per my doctor. My doctor wants me to get back on Sertraline, which I'm not opposed but I have set up an appointment with a rehabilitation office to talk with a psychiatrist to get a better medical evaluation rather than my OBGYN.

My family is finally realizing after the last couple days that my state is serious and I'm not just being stubborn. My husband has been great and is my rock. He doesn't understand but he is here to support me.

12-14-2013, 01:25 PM
Seasons greetings from Fantasy Island! (just feel like being goofy, wait..I always feel like that)

Is this (always) vomit issue with you vomiting, or just the thought of someone else vomiting???...

12-14-2013, 01:42 PM
Seasons greetings from Fantasy Island! (just feel like being goofy, wait..I always feel like that)

Is this (always) vomit issue with you vomiting, or just the thought of someone else vomiting???...

It is with others doing it. I'm fine handling baby spit up, animal vomit for the most part, when it is me, it *HAS* to be in the toilet where I can just flush it away and not have to clean it up.

12-14-2013, 02:15 PM
I have always had issues with vomit. I didn't know it was anxiety. I started going to Therapy because I do not like the idea of taking medicine. After several months, therapist, medicine, Sertraline, 16 months, I wanted to come off of the Sertraline because it made me soooo tired, my libido went down to absolutely nothing which was tearing up my marriage, and it made me gain some weight. Wellbutrin. I think it had a part in me hitting this depressed state, don't want to be a mother or wife any more. I have had a lot on me, my husband and I were almost to a point of splitting a few weeks back, Sertraline, which I'm not opposed, psychiatrist, better medical evaluation. My husband is my rock. He doesn't understand (and he never will so don't expect him too) but he is here to support me.

1. Phobia. You seem well stable other than this vomit issue. Yes, anxiety, fear, =phobia.
2. This isn't a new issue, it's been there for a very long time I suspect from childhood.
3. You're active, busy, arrange to try to change this, attempt to fix this, went to therapy, took some medication (zoloft) and felt better and more tolerable to this issue, but gained some weight, and were very tired and sluggish. Flat I'm guessing. Numb persay. Low/no libido. (Although it helped you to deal with this one issue, it ruined every other aspect of your life)...IMHO since you're virtually going solo with the exception of that Wellbutrin, I would NOT go back on Zoloft, or Wellbutrin. I would try something else as simple and cheap as Prozac. There are many other AD's out there that don't seem to cause all those things that you lived with and some can even make anxiety worse. Everyone is different. I suggest starting with Prozac and there will be other suggestions too. Effexor, and most people report more energy but that's just in depressed patients, not anxious/depressed/phobic patients. Wellbutrin is great for quiting smoking. Or at least it's that or a cigarette. IDK...
4. Yes, definately some stresses there. I know all about those, believe me.
5. Yes, an actual Psychiatrist would be great! An MD...
6. Looks like a low dose Benzo would do wonders for you too. (xanax .25's or klonopins .5's)...
7. I reaaallllllyyyy like something called abilify, and you're also a perfect candidate for that with the sluggishness, anxiety, depression, phobia. It doesn't work like other medications, it works on (dopamine) not (serotonin).....It gives you energy. Like 2mg daily.
8. I admire your husband for his strengths, for sure. I added a quote in for you.

A different AD (I prefer Prozac) others will suggest something else, that's ok.
Xanax as needed x3.

And remember Christmas isn't about being stressed out, gifts, money, it's about family, blood, that bond that can't be broken.

Hope that helps a little!


12-16-2013, 02:49 PM
Hi, i also have a phobia or vomiting..i dont know where it came from but i recognise it being there when i was a child. I think its the thought of not being in control and not being able to stop it, for me its the thought of it that is so much worse than the actual being sick - when you are being sick you feel so bad that its good to get it out if you know what i mean! My stomach drops when i see something on facebook about someone being ill as i worry its a bug thats going round, i worry if my little brother says he feels sick and panic if a member of my family is ill. I worry how it will affect my parenting when i do have kids, and i have panic attacks which happen purely from feeling sick or just thinking that i could be ill. I am a little better now but it got to the point where i wouldnt eat chicken and some meats incase i got food poisoning, its strange to think how much such a silly and natural thing can affect and scare you. But now you know youre not alone, and someone else has it too! I dont have any experience of any medications so i cant really comment on those, but try to relax and focus on the good job you are doing with your children. Its good to hear that your husband is helping you, make sure you speak to him about things and try to help him understand how you are feeling. I find having my partner around helps me so much.

I hope things get better for you and you start to feel your normal self again,


12-17-2013, 09:02 AM
ditto vomit phobia. I hate anyone being sick. Sounds bad but it is mainly because I fear vomiting myself. Like Rhi519 I too will avoid certain foods or more to the point if my anxiety levels are high I will not eat chicken or fish. Most times I can eat these things. When I have been sick (ie actually vomited) in the past I will try my best not to be. And even at my advanced years will cry if I have vomited, I find the whole thing quite frightening.

12-17-2013, 09:26 AM
I have awful anxiety. Everyday it's there but I can push it to one side and get on with life but once it's been so bad that it causes a panic attack I will literally take weeks to get over it. I constantly feel like I'm going to die no matter how much reasoning I try. My anxiety symptoms change and become more aggressive as time goes on. At the moment I'm having neckache, slight dizziness, pains on and off everywhere, achy arms, twitches, chills, sickness, intergestion, lose of appetite and fluid intake. I now also think that I have a lump on my neck although after self examination lol it is no different to the other side of my neck just a little more sensitive (this could be due to the fact that I realised my pulse was there last night causing me to panic) I also become obsessed with checking areas of my body that are causing me discomfort which in turn does actually cause them to hurt due to the prodding that I do. I'm guessing that the dizziness and sickness is due to the lack of food or drink in my system which is also the reason I feel sick and am stupidly tired. Really wish people understood were I was coming from and that I actually believed that this is all in my head which I find difficult to do even though when the anxiety goes so do the aches and pains. Spose having high anxiety for 2 weeks straight will do this to you. 😁

12-17-2013, 09:47 AM
Kaylleigh, yes I too get very similar symptoms, had to leave my college class as I felt dizzy to the point of feelig faint. Because like you my appetite goes under stress or anxiety and I do not eat properly