View Full Version : ran/walked my first marathon today :)

12-14-2013, 06:15 AM
Was so happy with myself. I have severe claustrophobia and there were 8,500 people running the marathon. When I arrived and saw the humongous crowd I almost chickened out, I was terrified and wanted to leave but with the help of my extremely happy and positive best friend I went right in the middle of the crowd and walked/ran the whole 5kms.
I felt invincible afterwards.
It feels so good to stand up to your fears. Fight the things that scare you the most.. (unless the thing u fear most are great white sharks and stuff. dont fight them)

12-14-2013, 06:57 AM
Awesome VH... :)

Did you do it in a good time?

I remember when I first started running again, I spent a few weeks doing a slow jog, then out if nowhere just sprinted until I was exhausted. Just that feeling of 'breaking out', pushing things a bit, felt amazing. I was like 'Hey! Maybe this body's not so broken after all!!'

12-14-2013, 07:11 AM
Well I pretty much walked the whole 5k so I finished it after 30 minutes : p
It does really feel great to break free.. it feels great being able to tell yourself that the broken body you thought you were having is actually in good form..

12-14-2013, 07:32 AM
You think you'll have a little more faith in your body now, and be able to dismiss panic attacks better? It's gotta give you a lot of confidence, surely!

I dont think people on the verge of death are able to do 5ks that easily :p

12-14-2013, 08:30 AM
This is great news, Vonn... good job! I'm glad you had your best friend there to help you through it..... :)

There's nothing like facing your fears and overcoming them, huh? Makes one feel exactly how you described; invincible. Hopefully this will build up confidence and you can keep tackling your fears.

12-14-2013, 08:50 AM
This is great news, Vonn... good job! I'm glad you had your best friend there to help you through it..... :)

There's nothing like facing your fears and overcoming them, huh? Makes one feel exactly how you described; invincible. Hopefully this will build up confidence and you can keep tackling your fears.

You use the word 'one' to describe people.

I'll holla <3 :D

12-14-2013, 08:53 AM
Ah well done Hun I am glad you faced your fears today

12-14-2013, 08:54 AM
Thanks guys :-)
On to the next battles!!!