View Full Version : Give me a break please!

12-14-2013, 04:28 AM
Sorry, I feel like I moan a lot but I feel like this is the only place I can come and express exactly how I feel! My husband, friends and family are fantastic but I don't like to burden them with my daily struggles!

I've had a pretty bad week and I didn't think it could get any worse but today it has. I feel like I'm close to freak out. I can't even cope with normal conversation, my daughter is chatting to me and asking me questions and so is my husband and I just want to scream!

I'm supposed to go to my husbands work Christmas party tonight and I really really do not want to go. I'm worried about drinking because it might make me feel worse at the moment plus taxi home is £45 but being sober amongst all the drunk people won't do me any good either. I'm not a very confident person anyway, I'm very shy and embarrassed about my size and will not go anywhere near a dance floor unless I've had some Dutch courage!! I know they will all be dragging me up to dance. Plus I don't know them all that well as they're my husbands colleagues. However my husband arranged the party and feel I should be there to support him!

I feel like I need to shut down for a bit.

12-14-2013, 07:30 AM
Hope it goes well for you Gem!

The good thing about Xmas parties, is at least most people are usually too drunk/hungover to care or even remember about the little awkward things that might happen!

12-14-2013, 07:37 AM
There are always going to be certain situations that we would love to avoid. But avoiding anything that makes us uncomfortable and nervous wont help the anxiety. It will take at least a few uncomfortable situations until we can work our way to progress. And also, what you're feeling is normal..
Like me for example I was terrified of visiting my mom. It was just a big huge nightmare because my mom is a hard ass and didnt want to understand my anxiety problems. So whenever I was with her I had to endure panic attack after panic attack. Silently and having to pretend im okay. These hurdles need to be overcome eventually...

12-14-2013, 09:02 AM
Thanks for your replies. I thought if I start avoiding situations I'd only make it worse so I am going! I have calmed down a bit now, it's not so bad and we just went out for food so I know my hubby has had a good meal before he starts drinking.

It's worn me out though, could do with a nap now lol xx

12-14-2013, 09:09 AM
It should be fun.

Bring the whip with you! Us Men at Christmas parties can't be trusted around the beer :D

12-14-2013, 09:17 AM
That's why I filled him with food :-) I know he won't be able to over do the beer! Ha ha ha ha ha

12-14-2013, 05:12 PM
Good work! Once you get there just try have fun, distract yourself compliment someone on their outfit talk to people have fun!!

12-15-2013, 03:23 AM
How did your party go GemGem? Many sore heads? ;)

12-15-2013, 08:47 AM
Hello :-)

The party was great and I really enjoyed! Yes some sore heads, off to mcdonalds in a bit for some stodge!

I calmed down once I was there so I think my anxiety was over the party x

12-15-2013, 09:00 AM
WorriedMummy is at a Chinese buffet, you're going to McDs...

Why is no one inviting Jesse out to eat? :(!!!!

A lot of anxiety is just all bark and no bite huh!

I'm glad you had fun!

Enjoy your hangover food ;)

12-15-2013, 09:03 AM
YAY!!! (everything ALWAYS seems to fit after arrival...and all the worry disappears)... K123!... LMAO!

McD's?????....there is saliva runnin down my chin, haven't eaten that since Feb 3rd, 9:21am...WAAAHHHH!!!!

Have a great day!