View Full Version : I don't know what this is and it's driving me crazy. Can ya'll please help me.

12-13-2013, 09:35 PM
My name is Shawn Hyder, I'm 21 years old and am a sophomore in college. I've had a steady job for 6 months now and am generally a happy person. I love playing basketball and have a handful of friends and am in ok shape. Two years ago I was drove to corpus christi for a football game and drove back at 10 oclock at night to san antonio [my home] after staying up the whole night working at black friday and while driving home it felt like the darkness outside was closing in on me, my hands started to sweat, my heart was beating faster than normal and I thought I was going to die. I called an ambulance they came and checked me out and said everything was fine and I had one of my friends come and drive me home. For the past couple of weeks off and on I've been having a fear of driving alone at night. I keep thinking I could have a heart attack and no one would be here to see me and I would die. I keep thinking that the streets are empty and I'm the only one driving. I keep thinking what happened that day in Corpus will reoccur but this time something will actually happen. It scares the living shit out of me and I've actually called 911 a couple times out of fear. I realize that it's all in my head but I have no idea what this is and how to cure it. Is it panic disorder? Is it anxiety disorder? What's going on with me?

12-13-2013, 10:02 PM
Hi there.... My names Becky... 29 years old. Driving at night is a trigger for me. So is being overly tired. I feel like driving at night causes you to strain more and there is that feeling of being alone as well. I guess I just wanted to say you're not alone. I've struggled with night driving since I was in my late teens / early 20s. Once it happens once you fear it happening again. The fear just perpetuates itself. I feel for you and understand these sensations.

12-13-2013, 10:16 PM
I just want to know what it is and what's the cure. If I can just found out what this is and what's causing it I would be really happy lol. It's like I don't know what's going on or what's causing this to happen to me.

12-13-2013, 10:30 PM
You were experiencing those symptoms originally because you worked all night during Black Friday. Your body was stressed out and you had a little panic attack it seems. You got extremely scared...and that imprinted on night driving...You associate those symptoms and night driving now. Now it's a fear. You're worried that it will happen again or that something worse could happen. However, I assure you it was only from stress from being up all night and working. If you had been driving at night and it was your day off, I doubt it would have happened.

That experience frightened you and if you keep letting it get to you, it could grow stronger. I think you should night drive more and expose yourself to it. You're not going to have a heart attack. You're 21 and being that young, I bet you're generally healthy. Play some music so you don't feel so alone. Don't anticipate all of these bad things that won't happen. You'll get over it eventually, I'm sure. You'll realize it's just a fear.

12-13-2013, 10:31 PM
It sounds like panic disorder to me. I suffer from this disorder and fear driving in general. Your panic is caused by fear of having a panic attack. It's a horrible feeling and I totally understand what you are going through. Everyone is different in how they treat it, but I've found medication and therapy to be helpful. Have you seen your doctor?

12-14-2013, 12:31 AM
It hasn't developed into panic disorder yet because it comes and goes like it doesn't happen everytime. I've seen my doctor and she's said to play music, relax, and stay as calm as possible. I feel like Janey hit the nail right on the head. Since I had that experience and that happened to me I know link those two things together and that's what causes me to worry, if I distract myself and keep my mind off those things it'll go away on its own.

12-14-2013, 12:34 AM
And my doctor also gave me anxiety medicine one time but I took it for one day and it turned me into a zombie, i'm never taking that stuff again no way.

12-14-2013, 01:53 AM
Some anxiety meds make you feel terrible, I agree! I think that you know what's best for yourself and it would be great to conquer this without meds! You are on the right path :)

12-14-2013, 06:31 AM
Its a horrible feeling. Theres nothing wrong with freaking out a bit. Let the panic pass through you. Fearing a panic attack will just make it worse. Next time you have a panic attack just stand up and feel the incredible power of it flowing through you. If anything, this panic is proof that you are so ready for any real danger that should ever befall you (god forbid)
I have found comfort in having panic attacks. I tell myself that I want to get one. Im not afraid of having one (ive had atleast a hundred these past few years) I like how exhausted it makes me and I like the feeling when its over how it makes me sleepy and I can take a nice nap knowing this was nothing but a bluff.
Irrational thoughts are strong when we're anxious but its only because your body needs to be. It cant take any risks and needs to be sure it has analysed any possible dangers.
Best thing to do when panic strikes? Run up and down the stairs screaming like a maniac. And laugh about it afterwards..

12-14-2013, 06:55 AM
Same with me I can be fine alone during day with my son but when it comes to night being alone I worry Incase something's gonna happen n no one here to help.. never used to be like this before I had him

12-14-2013, 08:09 AM
Janey's right, it's the underlining cause of the attack, not the attack itself. and as for fear of having a heart attack, you should definitely understand how the body reacts when in panic mode, the heart races, the feelings of unreality, we need this reaction in order to protect ourselves in danger and be alert, we experience all these things with normal fears, like a phone call in the middle of the night, or skidding off the rode while driving..or seeing a snake (you get the point) but yeah.. it's not the attacks that are the problem, it is the stressors causing them that are the problem. I know this fact (being an anxiety sufferer) knowing the triggers doesn't make the anxiety go away necessarily, but it helps having a guide, so try and figure out the triggers. Right now, you're experiencing some post traumatic stress disorder (which is a delightful aftermath of a really, bad panic attack) and it'll continue for a while til your period of stress dissipates a bit.