View Full Version : Agoraphobic photogrpaher

01-31-2008, 07:15 PM
Hi everyone

I am a recovering agoraphobic. I say recovering because this time 18 months ago I found it difficult to leave my bedroom to go to the bathroom. I'm pleased to say that now I am feeling a bit better but I know that I have a long way to go.

I am trying really hard to develop a career in photography and, because I don't yet feel able to sit in an office 9 to 5, I am going down the freelance route. Obviously photography isn't always going to be the first choice career of an agoraphobic but I do feel quite proud that I push myself to go out and give it a go.

I have managed to get some of my pictures onto a stock photography site and I would like you all to visit. The address is http://www.123rf.com/portfolio/rabidbadger/1.html

It is a commercial site and I don't want you to buy anything, just appreciate that it is still possible to have a life if you are agoraphobic.

Best wishes

Chris x