View Full Version : Anyone ever think their Missdiagnosed?

12-13-2013, 12:35 PM
Does anyone else think that what that have is way more than bloody anxiety, for instance I feel completely detached from my surroundings all the time I think to my self one of these days in going to loose grip of reality and that thought alone scares the life out if me, and for about a year now when ever I think of a memory of me when I wasn't like this it just feels odd like its impossible for me to of even done that cause of how I am now they don't feel like my memories this time last year I felt weird detached still but not as bad as I do now it could be my habits of hot myself in and my lifestyle I think to my self will I get out of this horrible feeling stage I've felt awful before but not like this and I've thought it wouldn't get better but it did gradually over time it added and life made a bit more sense I felt grounded and less confused so times an healer that's what I keep telling myself can anyone relate and got better from this what could I do to make me feel better, vitamins the right food we all no things never work right if it isn't given the right things

12-13-2013, 01:21 PM
Does anyone else think that what that have is way more than anxiety, for instance I feel completely detached from my surroundings all the time I think to my self one of these days in going to loose grip of reality...

From Wiki, edited:

"Derealization is a subjective experience of unreality of the outside world, while depersonalization is unreality in one's sense of self. Most authors currently regard derealization (surroundings) and depersonalization (self) as independent constructs.

From YouTube:

The following video is, I believe, from or of an individual that offers anxiety relief services. I am not endorsing anything with this link, I am not familiar with his products or services.

My Experience with it:

I'd say that when I experience it, it's derealization. I can have it for weeks, perhaps months. It's presence is more noticeable to me than its departure, i.e. when it goes, it is gone, not like I've ever woken up and been aware that I'm no longer troubled by it. In fact, can't even remember when I become aware of its initial onset, again, not suddenly while waking, just sometime during the day becoming aware of that hideous feeling. But it has plagued me in association with stressful times. Stress does not need to be a collective stress, not like the loss of a loved one or job, stress is relative, studying, failing a test or breaking-up with a GF/BF can certainly be enough for some.

Hang in there, it's a common symptom of anxiety.

12-13-2013, 07:07 PM
Does anyone else think that what that have is way more than bloody anxiety, for instance I feel completely detached from my surroundings all the time I think to my self one of these days in going to loose grip of reality and that thought alone scares the life out if me
YES! I feel this way too. It scares me to death. I know the exact feeling... Like you're going to go crazy or something. I'm afraid of what would happen if I just lost control of myself. Let's try to remember it's just an anxiety symptom and that won't really happen. It's not really rational. It's just this stupid arse anxiety... And yes, I've wondered if it isn't something more than just depression/anxiety (that I've been diagnosed with). I think I, for one, have PMDD (not to be taken lightly in the least). I haven't been diagnosed with it though. :/

12-13-2013, 10:12 PM
This is one of my biggest symptoms and I also experience Déjà vu sensations with it at times. I will think wow this is so eerily familiar... This has happened before bugle it hasn't. It's such a terrible feeling. These symptoms kick in when my anxiety is at its peak. I too also have started to wonder if I suffer from PMDD as the peaks are very cyclical and severe.

12-14-2013, 02:05 AM
It's awful an is does the dd. in PMDD mean dissociation disorder? What does the pm bit mean I've actually looked things up and actually thought I've got something like depersonalisation disorder but I show all signs of an anxiety disorder though I'm agoraphobic OCD has took over my life panic attack etc can you get them whilst having DP disorder if do how do you differentiate the two diss orders from one another cause I'm sure I read somewhere that you don't get OCD with do disorder or something the split the both diss orders apart to differentiate then, but I have been like this before 2005 i was agoraphobic for 2 years got better in 2007 an for like a year an half I was cured no OCD no funny turns I was taking citalopram it was weird but now I look back an think how was that possible to feel like I did then to what I do now it's probably just me over analysing things to much stress an worry constantly I don't go out I don't see my friends I do the same thing everyday I go to bed late due to my OCD routines at the start of me getting this back again a couple of years ago I was way Breyer than I am now but at that point I'd never experienced it as bad as now ya think ya have it bad cause at that point that worded I've ever felt but ya lock ya self away thinking it'll get better but it gets worse but I'm to scared to change my whole daily life routine in case I take a turn for the worse and don't adapt to how life was before I just want to be normal Shaun life everyone else on here but it's do scary being detached it's awful so ya just settle with what ya used to cause taking that big step could be a risk but if ya don't try ya wont know and that's what makes ya wonder an the cycle continues it's just a never ending fear just fed up, hope everyone's well and progressing on their disorder I wish tmo I all the best take care :)

12-14-2013, 05:06 AM
Sorry about some words that don't make sense with the rest it's my stupid iPhone spell check

12-14-2013, 01:00 PM
Oh, sorry. PMDD is Premenstrual dysphoric disorder... It's like PMS, only worse. Yeah, hormonal woman problems...
I go to bed late too and do pretty much the same old same old everyday... Not sure I'm OCD though. I rarely go out. I don't really have friends anymore. They all pretty much disappeared off of the face of the earth even though I've tried to contact them. I'm starting to think maybe it's me... But oh well, that's kind of off topic I guess. Hah. I want to feel normal again too. *sigh* Best of luck to you, Shaun.

12-14-2013, 01:14 PM
Depersonalization is the worst, it is definitely anxiety. I have been having a lot of it lately feeling "detached" from myself. It's awful. but I don't think it's really a symptom of anything other than anxiety because it comes from adrenalin. I think of it as being similar to the way I feel when I am running from something scary, I just pick up and don't feel my weight because I'm scared and running.. I suppose if you think about it, if we felt the weight of our bodies when we were trying to run from danger, we would not get too far, so that is the function of the adrenalin.. *shrug*