View Full Version : Fear ( health anxiety)

12-13-2013, 10:14 AM
Does any one else with health anxiety fear do tors nd hospitals nd even if they don't feel well or think they have things wrong avoid going if so how do they push them selves ?? I have health anxiety nd think things are wrong but cuz of my fear I won't go docs then I've to reason wiv my self nd tell my self it's stress nd anxiety making me feel this way but then I get scared nd think what if it isn't nd it's something more nd I leave it till it's a bigger problem if anyone does how do they bite ther tongue nd just get a check up t be on the safe side ??

Steven Daws
12-13-2013, 10:30 AM
I understand what you are feeling, my anxiety is triggered by health as well. I hate going to the doctors or the hospital because I worry that I will catch something even worse. I also get anxious about people vomiting, so if someone mentions it in the doctors I get really stressed.

I have had to force myself to go in the past, firstly to try and get help, but also because my wife needed treatment and surgery in hospital, so I wanted to be with her. Normally my fear that I have something wrong, outweighs the anxiety of the doctors.

12-13-2013, 12:26 PM
See mine doesn't nd then that makes my fear worse that's why wen I see posts of people who have ad bloods ECG a ect nd all norm I'd be happy nd less anxious but because I dare not go I get worse I've ibs but I get bad acid nd get scared to go nd check just to make sure it's nothing worse because I'm checking my tongue cuz it's a bit white even tho I drink plenty I knw acid can do that but now I'm obsessing about it nd making my mouth dry nd brushing my tongue a lot to just wish I could build courage to go wen my anxiety is lower I can go but wen it's high I get so scared

12-13-2013, 12:29 PM
Vic do you have heart health anxiety? Because that's what u suffer

12-13-2013, 12:42 PM
Vic do you have heart health anxiety? Because that's what u suffer. I never used to but I do now abit nd cancer anxiety just anything to do with health and aging I don't think it's helped with in the past working with elderly and in hospitals. I knw anxiety depression and stress do cause many aches pains nd symptoms but it just scares u wen u get fixated on a certain part of ur body cuz that's all u can feel nd think about I just hate doctors incase they said I had an illness that's why I get scared to go

12-13-2013, 05:37 PM
OMG same here I'm suffering heart health anxiety I'm so scared I have a heart problem it's driving me nuts my heart is constant aching and in pain..

12-13-2013, 05:42 PM
Yes embrace I feel the same. It's driving me mad. Because I have palpatations I have convinced myself there is something wrong xx

12-13-2013, 05:56 PM
I have suffered the same concerns in the past but then something kinda hit me

I thought how many times am I going to feel these flutters in my heart before I realize NOTHING has ever happened from it?

Then it just stopped concerning me

So I still feel them every now and then. I just don't care anymore so I don't react.

I hope you all come to the same conclusion soon