View Full Version : We all have bad days..

12-12-2013, 06:39 PM
I've totally jinxed myself.. Today.. I just can't face the world.. I'm in a constant inner turmoil right now, saying I need to be productive, but I shit you not.. I really just.. Can't bring myself to do anything.. I want to just sit her in my bubble and feel sorry for myself.. Really.. That's what I want to do.. But I can't even do that.. I won't let myself.. So I'm on the fence, fighting myself.. Relax today you deserve a nice relax day, no don't be an idiot lets go to the gym and face the Christmas shoppers and spend money we dot have.. Ugh.. Anxiety kicking in.. Depression... Crazy inner turmoil.. I can't sit here and wallow in self potty but I really believe today I will murder anyone who looks at me..

12-12-2013, 06:56 PM
I see you.
Tee hee!

Yes, we ALL do.
I have to go to a Neurosurgeon!
I have to go to PT!
I have to go to a Neurologist!
I have to go to a Rheumatologist!
All, this holiday month...f***!!!!

AND YOU, can go shopping and to the gym..BognlerGberbam!

Enjoy it!!!


Lee Grant Irons
12-12-2013, 07:49 PM
Hi Amber,

You could always accompany Eman to his appointments. Fighting with him would at least divert you from fighting with yourself, I'm sure. LOL

And I wouldn't want to wallow in a self potty, either. LOL And I would not recommend spending money you don't have. Bad idea, especially with depression. Go to the gym and have your aerobics teacher throw water bottles at you and grimace. That will get you going.

12-12-2013, 07:56 PM
Hahaha! Nah I'm gonna just chill today.. Watch some movies.. Rest myself.. Not feeling to crash hot..

12-12-2013, 08:10 PM
LOL Lee!

Anyway, To get better, you have to do things that are really stressful, and your brain has to also close shop for a bit to reboot. Both of those will take their toll and make you feel pretty shit some days. They are a necessary part of healing though, so dont view days like this as being the enemy! :)

Relaxing with some tv and shutting out the world some days can be just as beneficial to your mind as pushing yourself.

What movie are gonna watch?? A real one or an Aussie one about some kangaroos and koalas chilling on bondi beach with a few cans of Fosters?

12-12-2013, 08:12 PM
I'm thinking a dexter marathon.. It was my partner and I's thing while I was there.. We watched 4 seasons.. A few eps every night before we slept.. He is like 2-3 seasons ahead.. So I have some catchin up to do!!

12-12-2013, 10:16 PM
Is Dexter good? It kinda seems like a show where he goes around killing people etc... Escapes getting caught for half a dozen seasons... And it kinda drags on...?

I wonder what people with anxiety used to do without box sets. I mean a movie, you're back in the real world after 90minutes. A box set and you can disappear for like 10 hours lol.

12-12-2013, 10:52 PM
Yes dexter is amazing haha I love it!

12-12-2013, 11:35 PM
As if my day couldn't get any worse.. Now I find out my partner can't come see me for Christmas... Fml

12-13-2013, 01:15 AM
Dexter is awesome! Sorry about your Christmas change of plans. Hopefully you'll get to see each other soon.

12-13-2013, 04:42 AM
Yes Lee,

I would like everyone here to accompany me to all these friggin apps, and during check-in, I'll get the party started and start by hoppin over the counters and spinning the receptionist around in there chairs and then each of you will have a task to f**k s**t up!! We must fight the good fight together!! And, all of us should be wearing White Coats too!..

Hope everyone has a better day today...:)

12-13-2013, 04:52 AM
Sorry, but I read this thread and saw Lee put 'I wouldn't want to wallow in self potty'

I think that has a whole different meaning and would be totally gross!!

I am laughing my head off right now :-) thanks for putting a smile on my face lol xx

12-13-2013, 05:05 AM
Oh you think you're laughing now, wait until Princess BiongoGbamber wakes up!!! She wallows in all kinds of stuff....BAAAHA!!

12-13-2013, 05:06 AM
Do I want to know? Ha ha :-)

12-13-2013, 05:14 AM
Well,..probably not but you will anyway!! LMAO!! (brace yerself!)... :)

12-13-2013, 03:12 PM
Oh common I'm not that bad hahahah

12-13-2013, 03:17 PM
I know!! I was just waiting on you to get on here and mess with everybody!! Laughs are free, and healing....:D

12-13-2013, 03:27 PM
Hahaha well I deleted the app.. But I'm back haha

Lee Grant Irons
12-13-2013, 05:37 PM
Better than getting deleted! LOL

12-13-2013, 05:45 PM
I was sure I would after arguing with some chick on here.. Haha god people annoy me, so I deleted it.. But kept getting emails which annoyed me haha

Lee Grant Irons
12-13-2013, 06:12 PM
It is easy for anger and annoyance to come out through our anxiety. That is the fight part of "fight or flight." It comes with the anxiety territory, I'm afraid.

Anyone listen to Rush? They have a song on their Vapor Trails album called, "Freeze (Part IV of Fear)." It is the fourth song of a series of songs about the various aspects of fear. Part I, "The Enemy Within" (from 1984's Grace Under Pressure) is about being afraid of ourselves, of our abilities to do eveil or our inabilities to do what we need to do. Part II, "The Weapon" (from 1982's Signals) is about fear of apocolypse. Part III, "Witch Hunt" is about the fear that drives us to perceive people not like us as our enemy. Part IV, "Freeze" is about that anxiety that captures you when the unknown is upon you. Here is a link to the song on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmt4bGkDPA4). Much of the song is in 5/4 time, so it has a different beat. But that is Rush for you. I love it!

12-13-2013, 09:44 PM
It is easy for anger and annoyance to come out through our anxiety. That is the fight part of "fight or flight." It comes with the anxiety territory, I'm afraid. Anyone listen to Rush? They have a song on their Vapor Trails album called, "Freeze (Part IV of Fear)." It is the fourth song of a series of songs about the various aspects of fear. Part I, "The Enemy Within" (from 1984's Grace Under Pressure) is about being afraid of ourselves, of our abilities to do eveil or our inabilities to do what we need to do. Part II, "The Weapon" (from 1982's Signals) is about fear of apocolypse. Part III, "Witch Hunt" is about the fear that drives us to perceive people not like us as our enemy. Part IV, "Freeze" is about that anxiety that captures you when the unknown is upon you. Here is a link to the song on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmt4bGkDPA4). Much of the song is in 5/4 time, so it has a different beat. But that is Rush for you. I love it!

Love rush. Just saw them in August :)

12-14-2013, 01:10 AM
I was sure I would after arguing with some chick on here.. Haha god people annoy me, so I deleted it.. But kept getting emails which annoyed me haha

I hope your feeling better amber I argued on a different forum and have never been back on sometimes it just all gets on top of you

12-14-2013, 01:18 AM
Nah just pissed me off, and seeing people complain over and over but never listen.. That annoyes me too.. But I mean.. It's an anxiety forum.. Everyone's different.. Guess it just irritated me yesterday because I was having a bad day..

12-14-2013, 01:23 AM
This annoys me too and I don't like cliques on forums it annoys me immensely I have had many an argument over that on different forums

12-14-2013, 01:25 AM
There used to be HUGE arguements on here at one point. Around 8 months ago, a certain forumite caused some real heated debates on some threads, calling people stupid, calling them childlike, and dumbasses, they then retaliated and called him names back. Developed a real disliking for each other. Quite a few people split into sides. It was hard to have conversations, because you never knew who had who on their ignore list!

It ended with some people leaving, and a big yellow warning box at the top of the forum! Lol.

Lee Grant Irons
12-14-2013, 08:31 AM
It ended with some people leaving, and a big yellow warning box at the top of the forum! Lol.

Was it a US FDA approved warning label? Because, ya know, us folks in the USA only trust our own stuff. LOL

Lee Grant Irons
12-14-2013, 09:06 AM
"Freeze" by Rush

The city crouches, steaming
In the early morning half light
The sun is still a rumor
And the night is still a threat
Slipping through the dark streets
And the echoes and the shadows
Something stirs behind me
And my palms begin to sweat

Sometimes I freeze...until the light goes
Sometimes I fly...into the night
Sometimes I fight...against the darkness
Sometimes I'm wrong...sometimes I'm right

Coiled for the spring
Or caught like a creature in the headlights
Into a desperate panic
Or a tempest of blind fury
Like a cornered beast
Or a conquering hero

The menace threatens, closing
And I'm frozen in the shadows
I'm not prepared to run away
And I'm not prepared to fight

I can't stand to reason
Or surrender to a reflex
I will trust my instincts
Or surrender to my fright

Sometimes we freeze...until the light goes
Sometimes we're wrong...and sometimes we're right
Sometimes we fight...against the darkness
Sometimes we fly...into the night

Blood running cold
Mind going down into a dark night
Of a desperate panic
Or a tempest of blind fury
Like a cornered beast
Or a conquering hero

Sometimes I freeze
Sometimes I fight
Sometimes I fly
Into the night

Steven Daws
12-14-2013, 01:19 PM
Firstly, Dexter is great!

Secondly, I can understand your bad day, even though the weather was nice ans sunny, I really didn't want to go out. Been a bit low the last few days, but, I made myself go for a bike ride. I felt all the better for it, and I got the exercise rush afterwards.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow.