View Full Version : Tmj

12-12-2013, 02:35 PM
Does anyone here have TMJ? If so, does it ever only effect one side of your face? My left side of my cheek (under the bone) has been feeling full as of I can't move it .. But I can move it. When I touch it it feels numb afterwards. It's been going on for a few weeks. It's also warm to the touch sometimes. Was worried it was Bell's palsy or something but I am able to move my face and I have feeling in it. When I went to the dentist they said I grind my teeth and clench my jaw but I didn't even know

I'm only 21

12-12-2013, 02:38 PM
Yeah i have it and when i went to the dentist he said that he could feel it more on ma left side to whenever i chew i can feel and hear my jaw cracking

My dentist said that if it asnt resolved in a couple of months then es guna give me a mouth guard to try an stop it

I clench my teeth and jaw alot without realising

12-12-2013, 04:19 PM
Hi I've also got tmj and I hate it!
For me it's always my right side that suffers the most, I have a mouth guard which really helps, I don't get as much pain, headaches or numbness now. But if I forget to wear it for one night I really suffer the next day.
It's definitely worth a trip to your dentist. I coulda kissed mine after the first night I wore my mouth guard lol
Oh and also I get a really hot sensation on the side of my face too, it used to really scare me. It's very rare I feel it now. I hope you get a resolution soon :-)

12-12-2013, 07:48 PM
Yes! I had TMJ that affected the left side of my face and neck. I thought it was an ear infection because that's where the shooting pains appeared to be coming from. I had numbness in my lips and cheeks (felt like I'd had novocaine injections), but don't remember if it felt hot. The main issues it gave me were tension headaches and eye twitching (left side).

Using a hot pack and getting a massage made a HUGE difference. :)

12-13-2013, 07:36 AM
Does anyone here have TMJ? If so, does it ever only effect one side of your face? My left side of my cheek (under the bone) has been feeling full as of I can't move it .. But I can move it. When I touch it it feels numb afterwards. It's been going on for a few weeks. It's also warm to the touch sometimes. Was worried it was Bell's palsy or something but I am able to move my face and I have feeling in it. When I went to the dentist they said I grind my teeth and clench my jaw but I didn't even know

I'm only 21

It is called sleep bruxism(teeth grinding during sleep). Dentists are usually the first to notice.

12-13-2013, 11:45 AM
Thanks everyone! I will definitely make an appointment soon