View Full Version : Stomache and side abdominal pain

12-12-2013, 01:32 PM
For the last two weeks, I have had awful pain, almost like a pulling feeling in these areas. It hurts a lot to stand and lie down, but not so much sitting down. It almost feels like gas pains, but the pain in my ovary area are most troubling.

I take junel FE and haven't experienced any side effects and am wondering if its from that. (Just started month 3)

I don't want to waste a trip to the ER for nothing.

I have taken 4 OTC pregnancy tests and a blood test... All negative.

Does anyone experience similar symptoms or is there still a chance I could be pregnant? (No other early pregnancy signs and tests were done on week 8 & 9.

As you can see, I am very nervous about being pregnant. Could my stomache, sides, lower abs, and ovary pain simply be from excessive worry?! Thanks!

Lee Grant Irons
12-12-2013, 07:37 PM
Hi Lbrettashley,

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Ovary pain could be from a cyst, which is very common. Nothing to really worry about, because they come and go. Sometimes they cause pain. To relieve your mind of concern, if you have medical coverage, you could go to your gynecologist and have an ultrasound done of your ovaries.

12-12-2013, 09:08 PM
Like Lee said, it could just be an ovarian cyst. I've had at least one before. I also have Endometriosis which regularly causes me pain my abdomen. When I had the cyst, I could tell the pain was coming from somewhere in the middle (like as in not from my back or from my front). The pain would shoot down into my right thigh and I thought it was Sciatica at first... Good news is, most of the time the cysts will shrink away on their own. Not sure about if worry could cause it, even though stress causes so many different side effects on the body. If the pain becomes way too much to bear, don't hesitate to go to the ER though.

12-13-2013, 06:47 AM
I was and still am dealing with this kind of pain went to er and was diagnosed with a haemorrogic cyst on my left ovary.

Sister had the same symptoms she was also diagnosed with a dermoid cyst in her right ovary and a haemorrogic cyst on het left ovary

Lee Grant Irons
12-13-2013, 07:07 AM
Hi Dweeb,

Estrogen therapy (commonly called "birth control") is the standard treatment for frequent cysts. Frequent cysts are also associated with what is called poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which brings on various "non-specific" symptoms, such as muscle pain, irritable bowel syndrome, and anxiety.

If you have medical coverage, then you should be seeing a gynecologist for this, and not the emergency room. Emergency room docs are not practiced in diagnosing and treating these kinds of things.

12-13-2013, 07:27 AM
I dont suffer with frequent cysts this is the 1st 1 ive ever had and been told that it will go on its own as its a physiological cyst and part of the normal menustral cycle.

My sisters gynae doctor told er that but he had to surgically remove er dermoid cyst which thank god they did as it came bck cancerous lckiky enough the cancer was on the thyroid glands within the dermoid cyst so asnt gone nowhere on my sister but they are goin to do regular checks on her just to be on the safe side

12-14-2013, 04:06 PM
Hi , ive not been on here for a while but if anyone has read my old comments you will see for the last 2 years ive had abdomen pains. Ive had sooooo many tests and ive not had any results that could point to a 100% illness / problem. My last two tests were a hormone blood test and an ultrasound scan to see if i have anything like cysts or PSOS. Ive had pinching, throbbing, stabbing, dull and sharp pains everyday since September. Some days are worse than others and it mainly hurts when im ovulating or around my period. Ovary pain, pain in my hips, groin, down my leg, around my appendix, inside my virgina i feel tugging. Two doctors think i could have endo and another 2 doctors are not so sure anyway i now have been referred to the hospital to check if its endo, which is next month. As i suffer from HEALTH ANXIETY big time this is a big deal for me as im scared of tests/hospitals/doctors. I want to get better - i want to know whats wrong with me - but i DO NOT want tests as i worry about the results. At times i just cant do this i really stress out before seeing a doctor and i work myself up i have to say to myself i have to go backwards before i go forwards and you would think with all the tests ive had done that i would be used to it. I know that if they want to find out if i have endo i will need a lap but i know i just cant bring myself to do this as this will mean an operation and im not in the right frame of mind to have this done.
Its very hard to stop the worrying when you dont know what you have got and you end up guessing.
Ive also had breast pain, headaches, as well as rib pain. Im aware most of it could be stress IE- IBS as well as migraine.
My biggest problem is ive had to force myself to have tests done and ive been very scared and have got myself into a right state at times. I feel like im a fake, im making it up, i want the attention, wasting money and time. Well im not making it up nor am i telling lies. The pain i have is real and ive been very scared at times and in my head ive given myself loads of illnesses i go on google and im dying all the time. Ive looked for things i have and nobody else seems to have it and i cant tie it to anything so i then worry what i could have. As of yet Ive not managed to sit down and have a chat with anybody that has endo to compare notes. So at the moment this is all guess work but it does give me something to focus on so i dont worry about bad things.

Lbrettashley i would go and see your doctor so they can do some more tests if the pain doesnt go away. I didnt go for a while i thought it would go away and it did at first but now im reminded of it everyday. It could be something so simple and easily treated if its around your ovaries it could be a cyst as they are more common than you think and a lot of women dont know they have them. Endo from what ive read does give pulling/ tugging pains from the surrounding organs where its attached, and IBS will make you feel bloated, gassy as well as stomach ache.

I hope you get it sorted out soon.

12-14-2013, 05:18 PM
majored- I've got endo (I got a lap done a little over a year ago, it really wasn't so bad in my opinion). One thing about endo is it can actually be confused with IBS cause they have similar symptoms... and you can also just have IBS and endo at the same time. I've got bowel issues too. I hate trying to figure out what all could be wrong with me... Sometimes I feel like I'm becoming a hypochondriac. Hope I helped a little. :/

12-22-2013, 11:54 AM
majored- I've got endo (I got a lap done a little over a year ago, it really wasn't so bad in my opinion). One thing about endo is it can actually be confused with IBS cause they have similar symptoms... and you can also just have IBS and endo at the same time. I've got bowel issues too. I hate trying to figure out what all could be wrong with me... Sometimes I feel like I'm becoming a hypochondriac. Hope I helped a little. :/

Thanks for your reply. The trouble with me is that i dont know if i have it or not. Ive not been to the hospital yet even though this has all been going on 2 years however what with headaches, breast pain, lung pain, rib pain, heart burn, then ovary pain i guess endo doesnt spring to mind first. I have my appointment for the hospital on the 13 Jan. Im very scared about it and i dont know if i can go my fear is always worse when im in pain. Like i am now and then i dont feel very strong inside and i just cant cope. Today i have pain in my groin, twinges around my right ovary and inside my virgina, headaches, blurry vision and ive now noticed a lump on my tonsil. The lump looks like a solid lump like a small pea it doesnt hurt to swallow nor is it sore. I had this once before and i showed the doctor who said just keep an eye on it and it went away. Then to top it off the last week or so one of my fingers on my right hand keeps going numb and sometimes looks white like the blood has stopped going to it. Now its times like this where i panic. I feel like ive got something going on inside me and these are all warning signs and i feel nobody is taking notice. I m booked in to see my local doctor on the 8th Jan and i will be panic about doing that. I cant cope just now and nobody around me understands my mind runs away with and the anxiety just builds up. I wont be able to enjoy christmas or the things going on around me as i will be thinking about this in my mind. I only have some symptoms for Endo or Ibs.

Its bad enough having pain anyway but when your having pain and problems and dont know whats wrong with you its even worse. Then to top it off im too scared to have the doctors look at me so i can find out what the problem is. This just goes round in a circle and i cant find the end of it. Sorry to have a vent its just been one of those days:(