View Full Version : People suck.

12-12-2013, 03:12 AM
Christmas shopping.. Dear god Christmas shoppig! Went to the shops today.. Had to restrain myself from knocking everyone out.. God.. Just people EVERYWHERE.. Think the toilets safe? Nope.. Lets stand as close to am we of possible just to piss her off.. Smoking area.. Yep.. Lets blow smoke in ambers face while we touch her arm with our own... And god forbid standing in line to buy something.. Hey! Ambers ass needs a good sniff... Now i need to move forward to avoid having my butthole molested.. this is NOT a club people.. im feelig all trapped due to havin to sniff the person infrint of me's ass to get the fuck away from te person behid me....LORD HAVE MERCY!!! I HATE people!!!! Now my anxiety has been shitty all day because people love to surround everyone else... Hitting me with your bag and trolly is NOT going to make this line go any faster.. I have half a mind to turn around and slap you with the cucumber I have.. Back yo shit UP!!! Ughhhh!!!

12-12-2013, 03:21 AM
I absolutely hate christmas shopping people get right on my nerves I took my daughter one day and someone knocked her flying to get a Krispy Kreme doughnut I lost my head at him and calle him a fat bastard ( not all that skinny myself) he then told me what I already knew that I wasn't so skinny myself

To which I replied I am not the one knocking kids flying for a piece of doughnut hahaha

12-12-2013, 03:28 AM
I absolutely hate christmas shopping people get right on my nerves I took my daughter one day and someone knocked her flying to get a Krispy Kreme doughnut I lost my head at him and calle him a fat bastard ( not all that skinny myself) he then told me what I already knew that I wasn't so skinny myself

To which I replied I am not the one knocking kids flying for a piece of doughnut hahaha

What a moron... Who knocks a kid over to get a donut!!

London's mega hectic too. I'm thinking of going to live with some battery hens for a while, just to get a little more space xD

12-12-2013, 03:32 AM
I just take an anti-psychotic and then I run into everybody for sh*ts and giggles and wish them a Merry Valentines Day...no one says a word. :)

12-12-2013, 04:40 AM
Jesse - sorry to hear. I could not agree more with Amber on this! Well said. Many find it hard to believe that people could possibly act like so, in such a civilized society. Pfft ... We know better, don't we? Like E-Man says, no ones says anything - however I'm betting I know what most are thinking, and I know what a trigger such an arrogant act would make me want to do. Your right, some people are Total Fuckwits that enjoy upsetting others.

12-12-2013, 05:08 AM
It annoyes the shit out of me.. It's bad enough during normal times if the year.. But god forbid Christmas it's a metal hospital, a disease infestation.. a brothel while im at it.. I'm suprised I didn't catch some flesh eating disease or herpes while powering through these fruitcakes..

12-12-2013, 05:19 AM
I absolutely hate christmas shopping people get right on my nerves I took my daughter one day and someone knocked her flying to get a Krispy Kreme doughnut

^ That guy must've heard about the buy one, get one free doughnut deal they have..or he just really loves doughnuts to the point he had tunnel vision..

Christmas shopping is beyond irritating to me. The crowds, the rude people shoving.. it's pretty ironic when the shopping is all about getting something for the ones you care about....I'm thinking it is safer to do more shopping online rather than get run over by the stampede of people.

12-12-2013, 05:34 AM
It's because of OUR "hyper sensitive" views of this world and the people in it..we are very aware of others, wish not to disturb others, respect others, and try not to get into other peoples way...
Everyone else, oblivious. :)

12-12-2013, 06:59 AM
What a moron... Who knocks a kid over to get a donut!!

London's mega hectic too. I'm thinking of going to live with some battery hens for a while, just to get a little more space xD

It's ridiculous she was crying and he was stuffing his face with a tiny piece of one doughnut that was cut into 500 pieces haha so people just don't understand the meaning of being rude

12-12-2013, 07:00 AM
It's because of OUR "hyper sensitive" views of this world and the people in it..we are very aware of others, wish not to disturb others, respect others, and try not to get into other peoples way...
Everyone else, oblivious. :)

Couldn't agree more. But even considering we are Hypersensitive, and others may be oblivious, there are some pretty cool people out there. The media is fond of emphasizing the negative, and there's no shortage of it, but I still go back to this video of total strangers helping out. If we were all evil self centric bastards, no one would even do these, these people risked their lives and health to help strangers.


And this, David Foster Wallace discussing our belief that we, as individuals, are the center of the universe, and we fail to realize that we are annoyances in other people's perception that they are the center of the universe. When we realize we're all in this together, I think the anxiety and stress will decrease.


Be well!

12-12-2013, 07:51 AM
I agree with Amber, it is the way she said. This is one of the reasons I keep well away from the stores at this time. I got gifts for my family on the beginning of November. I honestly hope I will not put my foot in the mall. The craziness in Canada starts in middle of November and it lasts to middle of January. We have boxing day, or boxing week and it is crazy just after Xmas. It seems that I do my shopping on line more often with the time .....I hate crowds, I can not take it when strangers are banging into me. I get so upset. it ruins my day. The craziness ; I could understand it if the gifts were given to people for free, but they pay for it.

12-12-2013, 08:11 AM
I like puppies.

12-12-2013, 08:44 AM
Paying it forward.

Apparently there is a movie by that name. More melodramatic than I mean, the preview at least addresses the principles. How many of us pay forward kindness, how many just think that all hope is lost and hide.

Christmas shopping may not be the best time to think of the principle, but to a degree it can be. But paying forward does work, it is a vital part of the social structure where I live, diminishing with time, not because, I think, that it is out of fashion, but because no one wants to practice it, we're so focused on our selves.

A few years ago, at Walmart, during the Christmas rush, I met a saleslady at the jewelry counter. She was so pleasant, she made my day amid the rush. I was so impressed that I sought out the store manager and told him what an excellent saleslady and employee she was.

Pay it forward.

Anyway, the movie preview.


12-12-2013, 08:56 AM
Order presents online and have them delivered. :P Then you don't have to go into those stores.

Steven Daws
12-12-2013, 01:39 PM
My wife gets really anxious if people invade her personal space, so things like this would really freak her out. She doesn't go into town much, and at this time of year, she just shops online.

Unfortunately, its another example of peoples lack of respect for others.

12-12-2013, 01:49 PM
Christmas shopping.. Dear god Christmas shoppig! Went to the shops today.. Had to restrain myself from knocking everyone out.. God.. Just people EVERYWHERE.. Think the toilets safe? Nope.. Lets stand as close to am we of possible just to piss her off.. Smoking area.. Yep.. Lets blow smoke in ambers face while we touch her arm with our own... And god forbid standing in line to buy something.. Hey! Ambers ass needs a good sniff... Now i need to move forward to avoid having my butthole molested.. this is NOT a club people.. im feelig all trapped due to havin to sniff the person infrint of me's ass to get the fuck away from te person behid me....LORD HAVE MERCY!!! I HATE people!!!! Now my anxiety has been shitty all day because people love to surround everyone else... Hitting me with your bag and trolly is NOT going to make this line go any faster.. I have half a mind to turn around and slap you with the cucumber I have.. Back yo shit UP!!! Ughhhh!!!lol ! I am visualizing this and am falling out of my seat laughing because I totally know how you're feeling!!! I cannot stand crowds and I have been known to leave my buggy full of crap and walk out empty handed. Aaaaahhhhhh! Just thinking about crowds mAke me sweat! Hang in there!

12-12-2013, 03:15 PM
I 'pay forward' all the time. If some does does something nice, or is respectful or I simply can tell they work out or I like their shoes even.. I tell them. It makes me feel good and can even make someone's day. But amongst the crazy Christmas time... Ain't nobody got time for that haha

12-12-2013, 04:16 PM
I 'pay forward' all the time.

It's admirable that you compliment others, and Christmas is rough. My idea of paying forward is doing things for others when possible. At my place of employment (well over a thousand people), driving to work one morning, I saw a guy walking towards the plant, and there was a construction zone that had traffic for both lanes through a single lane controlled by a traffic light. I offered him a ride, he accepted, but did not work at the plant as I surmised. He, apparently, is a drug addict heading to the local "clinic". I took him as far as I was going and dropped him off. To this day I provide him a ride if I happen to see him.

Compliments are great, but maybe, removed from Christmas shopping and Christmas shopping returns, we can all do small acts of kindness for others, and hopefully they will pay them forward.
