View Full Version : I'm a wreck.

Slammed Vdub
12-11-2013, 08:22 PM
Hello everyone,

So until november 30th i havent had a single issue with anxiety/OCD in almost a year. I was doing great and felt great. I had such a positive outlook on everything. I was finally feeling free from anxiety and was loving every minute of it. November 30th someone passed away that had a great influence on me. Although i did not know them personally, they made me who i am today. That sparked everything to return to me in a terrible way. My OCD(thoughts) wont let me just move on, each time i get distracted something reminds me of him and how he is gone. This really sucks. I try to get over it and i just cant. My head feels off, everything causes my anxiety to flare up and i feel like i cant have fun anymore. I feel just overall depressed and not myself. I need to turn this around now before im sucked back into the vicious cycle. Anyone have any tips?

12-11-2013, 08:46 PM
Hello everyone,

Although i did not know them personally, they made me who i am today. something reminds me of him and how he is gone. Anyone have any tips?

He isn't really gone, if he was never really there...They have already molded you into what you now are, shaped you, formed you, influenced you, and will continue to do so even without the physical presence..in spirit. After all, it was their "spirit" that sculpted you anyway.

Change your perspective, they're still there for you anyway, in the same capacity that of which they always were...

Best wishes V.
