View Full Version : Dizzy Daily

12-11-2013, 07:56 PM

I'm fairly new here. I've been having these dizzy feelings almost daily for a couple months now. My doctor first told me to try allergy medicine because I sounded congested and even told me to try seasick medicine. Nothing works. I finally got my doctor to refer me to an ENT, but apparently I still need to take a hearing test before they can consult me and that's not until the end of the month. My dizziness is not like the room is spinning, but more like I'm seasick. Like I'm swaying from side to side. Then I get that fuzzy head feeling and have a panic attack. I spoke to one of my best friends who is a Doctor of Audiology and she told me she's known some cases that when the ENTs rule out inner ear issues, it turns out to be a tumor. So of course I TOTALLY freaked out!!!! Now I'm scared of my appointment at the end of the month. I feel like breaking down and crying daily because I'm so frustrated! I've always been an active social person. Now I just want to lay down and try to avoid feeling dizzy. I guess I need some reassurance that every thing will be ok. I hate anxiety and panic attacks.

12-11-2013, 08:59 PM
I too get dizzy.. I'm not sure if it it dizzy but it's a weird sensation.. Can make me feel lightheaded like I might pass out. I get a weird feeling when walking.. Almost like something is in my head shaking my brain. I find it really hard to describe the sensation. It affects my vision and brings on an attack

12-11-2013, 09:02 PM
Get some ginger supplements, take 2 to 4 tablets, with a full glass of water and food...then tell us what that does.

just a thought...

E-Man. :)

12-11-2013, 10:36 PM
I go through bouts of dizziness...of course, thought I had a brain tumor. I now think it's a spinal issue...pinched nerve....