View Full Version : How to talk yourself out of downward spiral?

12-11-2013, 03:18 PM
Help!!!! I saw the psychiatrist yesterday and she is taking me off Prozac and back on Celexa. I felt really good and back to my self yesterday because I knew I had a plan in place. Then this morning, I woke up a nervous wreck again! I got to work and couldn't stop thinking about being anxious. I don't know what I am even really worried about? Then I started crying and hyperventilating and had to leave work. It is so frustrating and I am so mad at myself for losing control!! How do I talk myself out of falling down the dark hole? Help!!!

12-11-2013, 04:34 PM
How do I talk myself out of falling down the dark hole? Help!!!

Watch this, it's about making choices in how we think.


The whole speech, no video, but pretty cool.


That's the pain of anxiety, it causes people to focus inward, though by nature we would focus on worldly things. Remember when were were children, no anxiety, things seemed so real, just our family, friends, pets, and things.
