View Full Version : CBT in South Manchester or North Cheshire?

01-30-2008, 04:03 AM
Hi, can anyone out there recommend me a therapist? Many thanks in advance! :)

01-30-2008, 04:24 PM
I asked around in my hometown when i was looking as well. I was recommended 2 therapist by 2 different people. Both which i felt were not right for me. My advice would be to talk to your doctor and try some out also i did some internet research on mine to see what they sepcialize in and other things. For me it was all about my impressions of the Doctor and not others. It took me 4 to find the right therapist and im happy now.

I know i didnt recommend anyone for you nor do i even live in your area lol but i just thought maybe this advice would get you actively looking.

01-31-2008, 04:40 PM
I'm in Hawaii so I can't help you but I do want to encourage you. I finished a cbt group this past summer and life's a beach now for me. The book we used in my group by Sam Obitz has an exercise called a TEA that is awesome and if you are disciplined you could do them on your own and you will start to feel better. Cbt is worth all the early nstruggles I had with it and I hope you find someone to help you with it.