View Full Version : Symptoms when NOT anxious too?

12-11-2013, 01:54 PM
Is it possible to get symptoms of anxiety even when you're not anxious? I get less when not anxious and tend to focus on one or two when I'm not anxious. For example, lately I've been obsessing over the idea that my vision is getting bad because I've recently noticed I seem to see slight visual noise, but only when I focus on it. If I'm distracted or looking at a bright light bulb or headlight, I don't see it. If I'm driving, playing an instrument, playing a video game or something that requires my full attention I don't consciously see it. If you could read my other thread about my visual problems on my profile, I'd be very appreciative.

Anyway, let me know what you think.

A worried, Matt.

Terre Nova
12-11-2013, 02:23 PM
Yes its completely for symptoms to be there without feeling really anxious.. Anxiety always try's to rear it ugly little head at any point...
The fact that you're not anxious means that you're winning :)

12-13-2013, 12:11 PM
I have symptoms like all day. As soon as I think about how I haven't had one for a whole they come back. It's all in the mind. Distracting yourself is a good way to get rid of them

12-13-2013, 12:19 PM
I have symptoms like all day. As soon as I think about how I haven't had one for a whole they come back. It's all in the mind. Distracting yourself is a good way to get rid of them same here. Just when I think I'm beginning to win the battle....the anxiety comes back and then I'm fixated on it all over again.

12-18-2013, 12:45 AM
same here. Just when I think I'm beginning to win the battle....the anxiety comes back and then I'm fixated on it all over again. hi I'm new to this, but I've been feeling horrible for almost 10 days, after getting out if the hospital for chest pain, everything was normal. But then I came home and this sudden rush came through my whole body and I felt weak and faint.. First time ever feeling that. I called the emergency because my whole body was shaking. I have lost interest in doing house chores cus I'm just thinking and thinking something is really wrong with me. Just starting medication today. I have sweaty hands most days, and feel just "off" . Loss of appetite too. I feel horrible and want this nightmare to be over. Please tell me I'm not alone. Thank you

12-18-2013, 01:40 AM
Yep I get symptoms all day even when seemingly not anxious

12-18-2013, 02:47 PM
hi I'm new to this, but I've been feeling horrible for almost 10 days, after getting out if the hospital for chest pain, everything was normal. But then I came home and this sudden rush came through my whole body and I felt weak and faint.. First time ever feeling that. I called the emergency because my whole body was shaking. I have lost interest in doing house chores cus I'm just thinking and thinking something is really wrong with me. Just starting medication today. I have sweaty hands most days, and feel just "off" . Loss of appetite too. I feel horrible and want this nightmare to be over. Please tell me I'm not alone. Thank you

Oh you are not alone. Admittedly my anxiety has gone a lot, but I had use to feel like you at times before. Have you considered therapy like counselling? My anxiety is from my past problems such as family and relationship issues that I hid from myself and caused anxiety.