View Full Version : Medical Problems

01-29-2008, 07:13 PM
Does anyone else feel like since they have been diagnosed with anxiety they are never taken seriously while at a doctor? i feel everytime i go its like my symptoms dont really exist and its a mythical creation my anxiety has made up. Whenever i go to a new doctor i would rather not even tell them because then it always turns into my anxiety is causing me problems, which it does but i dont believe every single ache and pain i have is from it. Either way if it is i would like to feel like a human being and not some mutan because of my anxiety. I am currently switching family doctors because i feel he just doesnt care. 3 times this week my bp has been 150-155/90-100 and im only 22. Normally it is not this high but it concerns me and i feel like he just thinks its always nothing. It has actually turned into i would rather not call my doctor when im actually sick and not experiencing anxiety i try over the counter meds to fix it. I know i call more than most people and i wish i didnt but im paying him to give me a service and i think he should be more concerned or show a little more support.

Does anyone else feel this way or get the same treatment?

01-30-2008, 02:26 AM
Hi BlueSkies

I've always said that, once a doctor knows you have anxiety problems, you could turn up at the surgery with a severed leg in a bag and they'll say it's down to anxiety.

Maybe you could try asking your doctor to explain why your blood pressure is so high (in detail) rather than just dismissing it as anxiety.

Best wishes


01-30-2008, 02:23 PM
Don't get too concerned about your bp.... bp readings notoriously fluctuate, especially when visiting your GP ! It's called 'white coat syndrome', and your BP could be high in the surgery, and normal elsewhere.

01-30-2008, 04:17 PM
I know exactly what you mean!
I felt the same way for a long time.. Like if i said i had a blue spot on my knee - its anxiety.
But.. one day i red an article from a norwegian doctor who specializes in anxiety and hypocondria. He said that every doctor has a form to check if there is doubt about anxiety. A list of 10 symptoms that is common. If you have 4 or more - you probably have anxiety. So - after the doc has confirmed that you have anxiety, there is alot of things he can connect to that. The list is a mile long.
However, off course you can have normal accidents or sickness while beeing anxious.
You should be treated with respect, and all your symptoms should be checked out.

But look at it from his point of view. What if you knew that he had anxiety, and he called you about a pain in his neck, or something else. Wouldn't you also connect it with anxiety?

You should be honest with him anyway. Tell him everything.

I learned to connect everything to anxiety on my own, so now my new problems dont even last a day as usuall.
Hope you get better!

01-30-2008, 08:19 PM
The other thing i've noticed is doctors like to just prescribe xannax for everything thats even close to be anxiety related. Problem is that xannax doesnt solve all if anything thats going on, it just puts your mind off of it.