View Full Version : Light-headed

12-11-2013, 04:22 AM
I'm feeling really light-headed at the moment and it's really making me anxious! I'm at work and i'm finding it really hard to concentrate. I feel as though I have water in my headand just feel really strange! Does anyone else get this. Also my face is really hot? But I dont feel that hot?

12-11-2013, 04:25 AM
Put your hands on your chest and stomach. Which one is moving more as your breathe?

12-11-2013, 04:28 AM
They seem to be moving at the same pace, maybe my chest moving a slightly bit more faster..

12-11-2013, 04:37 AM
Ideally chest shouldn't move at all. When you're anxious, stomach gets tense, and so short, sharp breaths from the chest become the norm. This is basically certain hyperventilation from here on in, and the changes in gas level are a big part of what cause brain fog/ dizziness / swishy head.

Practicing diaphragmatic breathing for even 5mins a day can help a lot.

I had a horrible train ride too. I think I got food poisoning from some restaraunt me and my friends ate at yesterday. I was at marble arch, and just felt soooooo ill. I don't panic much anymore, but the idea of being sick on a rush hour train with some of my work colleagues, yeah that made me panic lol :p... I got the flushy cheeks, short sharp breaths, dizzy head. Train anxiety suckkkkks!

I just had to chill in the fog for like 30 mins, now Im at home with tea. Damn train :D

12-11-2013, 04:43 AM
Okay thank you! I want to try meditation, its just finding the time to do it! What restaraunt did you eat at?? I am the exact same, if i feel sick before i get on a train I always bring a carrier bag in my bag incase i need to throw up, I plan it all in my head! But its the worst thing when you're on the central line at 8 in the morning and its sooo packed and you feel anxious!!

You're lucky, i'm at work, till 5:30!! whats the name of the palce you work at?

12-11-2013, 05:04 AM
Lol, that's legit. You can't get off and get air either, as it's a fight just tryna get on the next train!

Last night we ate at MOMO. kind of a morrocanny cuisine. It was good. Maybe something else made me feel bad, as I feel kinda ok now. I guess it is that season!

I work for PIHL. They work with the big London hotels. My job is basically working with big companies, and the wealthy, promoting those hotels for their needs, vacations, functions etc. It's a sales job, but it's mostly just working with connections, and selling something they already want. Its kinda cool, I get the odd free stay at some places. The goring in belgravia was really nice. I get some free lunches at the top of the Hyde park hilton, they're pretty cool too overlooking the city.

12-11-2013, 05:30 AM
Ahh never heard of it but I love Moroccan food! Tagine is so nice! Take some immodium or something?

Ahh okay, thats cool.. sounds like an interesting job though! Do you work full time? Has your anxiety ever affected your work at all?

12-11-2013, 05:40 AM
Really? The idea of fruit in food is still a little weird to me lol. The way they do grilled lamb is insanely good though!

I work full time, yeah. Anxiety made it rough at the start, but it got easier. I was pretty lucky as nobody really cares what I do, as long as I get the numbers at the end of the month, so I could take some time out during the day, and give myself pep talks, take a walk, and nobody really cared. I imagine it's hard when you have to be there all day, and it's busy, and your symptoms pop up!

On a more positive note anyway... When's your lunch break? What are you going to devour? ;)

12-11-2013, 06:16 AM
I know what you mean but its still lovely!

I do take walks around the office when I feel anxious and it does help! But its just really fustrating! its good that you have some freedom so when you do feel like thatm you can deal with it properly.

I am on my lunch break now! I've gone for a chicken and bacon sandwich, some fruit and some hoummous with carrot sticks :) Have you had lunch yet?

12-11-2013, 06:35 AM
No, not yet :)

So what kind of girl are you Ashlee, where do you lunch, are you a Pret girl, or more of a Tesco meal deal lover?

12-11-2013, 06:52 AM
I do love pret but I am a Tesco meal deal lover! haha, yourself?

12-11-2013, 07:11 AM
I do love pret but I am a Tesco meal deal lover! haha, yourself?

It's all about M&S lunches, girl ;)

12-11-2013, 07:18 AM
Haha yeah they do a really nice chicken and bacon layers salad!! What are your plans for the rest of the day/evening?

12-11-2013, 07:33 AM
Lol chicken and bacon sandwiches, and chicken and bacon salads .. I'm seeing a trend in your eating habits! :)

I planned to go grab some drinks, but I think my sensible sides gonna win over and I'm just gonna relax for the night. Are you planning to tear up St Paul's later?

12-11-2013, 07:35 AM
Haha I do love chicken and bacon! I normally eat really healthy but due to feeling down, i've been eating crap! haha!

Ahh nice, where abouts? Hahaha no! Going to go to the gym and thats all! Shouldnt really drink on my meds, dont want to cause more problems!

12-11-2013, 07:46 AM
My brother runs a bar opposite the shard, I was gonna go in and sneak some of that top shelf whiskey. Ever hung out around there? Guys tip £20 because they can't be bothered to get their wallet back out of their trousers to put it back in. Lol. I was told by one of the barman around there they serve people in order of shirt cost. Haha.

But ya know, those simple pleasures are what count most. When you're down, chicken, bacon and mayo is as good as antidepressants ;)

12-11-2013, 07:53 AM
Ohn really! thats cool! I'm yet to go up the shard! Hahaha that sounds about right, its London, theres always a lot of people with a lot of money who just flash their cash!

Yeah it actually did make me feel a bit better - although, I don't usually eat bread so now i'm carrying a food baby!! :)

12-11-2013, 08:13 AM
You haven't been up the shard yet Ashlee? You know a fox has already been up there right? :p... It's not looking good when even a fox is outliving you, dude! When you're like 'maybe later' and the fox is like 'f**k it, let's do this, YOLO'...

Ah, I've never been up either, I just wanted to tease you.

Btw, You say you don't usually eat bread? You mean you do Atkins??

12-11-2013, 08:21 AM
Hahahaha well there are other things I would like to see/do in London first! Apparently its not all that i've heard?

No, I dont do the Atkins, I just try not to eat bread because it really bloats me out... and i'm trying a new thing where I dont eat carbs after 6! I might just start a proper diet in Jan..?

12-11-2013, 08:33 AM
Have you been on the Eye? You must have been on the Eye?

Loads of celebs cut bread now actually, it's like a trend at the moment.

12-11-2013, 08:41 AM
Sadly no..... (que the teasing!)

I don't follow all that celeb crap haha - the press moans if their too fat, then they loose weight and the press moans their too skinny? Pointless.

12-11-2013, 08:48 AM
Haha the Eye's not bad, if you like waiting 30 mins for it to do a circle!

I take it you hit London's bars, rather than sight-see? ;)

12-11-2013, 08:55 AM
I know, i've seen the queues!

No to be honest, I dont! My Perfect night would be a really nice meal with lots of food and then maybe cinema after or something! If I go to any London bars, its with work.. which isnt often!

12-11-2013, 09:06 AM
You are a good girl! :)

Apart from the whole forum-ing during work hours thing haha

12-11-2013, 09:22 AM
Hahaha! To be honest, I can't get enough of the forum! Love it! ... I am working at the same time!!

12-11-2013, 09:37 AM
Paid to browse. You know it makes sense!! ;)

12-11-2013, 12:35 PM
Try taking a breath (not a deep one) then holding it for 12 seconds and exhaling for 5. In again for 3 seconds, hold for 12 repeat repeat repeat. I have been suffering constant lightheadedness and dizziness for 18 months and this has been helping me! When I feel an attack coming on I hold my breath for 12 and off I go...

12-11-2013, 01:32 PM
Try taking a breath (not a deep one) then holding it for 12 seconds and exhaling for 5. In again for 3 seconds, hold for 12 repeat repeat repeat. I have been suffering constant lightheadedness and dizziness for 18 months and this has been helping me! When I feel an attack coming on I hold my breath for 12 and off I go...

Thank you, I will 100 percent give this a try!! its really horrible isn't it, I feel like i've got water in my head!

12-11-2013, 02:28 PM
Yes it's awful. My anxiety is all around my head symptoms. I get weird ones I can't even describe.. The worst is a feeling of complete dread and weirdness like you will just black out at any moment!!! I hate it!!