View Full Version : Anxious!!!

12-11-2013, 02:30 AM
Feeling really anxious today! I feel really ligheaded and my chest is really tight! I felt like I was going to faint on the train so I tried everything in my power to keep calm! I'm at work now and finding it hard to concentrate as anxiety levels are through the roof! Any suggestions for my fuzzy head??

12-11-2013, 04:28 AM
hiya,oh i know exactly how u feel,i suffered yrs ago and i dragged myself to work and i work in a hospital,i have been great for a few yrs and just because i have a chest inf now my health anxiety has kicked off,i was in work yesterday fine till i finished my break and got up and just because i could feel palps coming on i dont know if i done it by thinking but my heart started racing and banging and i had to sit down open a window,i didnt know what to do,its so hard to think straight but u just have to say its just anxiety and it will calm down soon,what type of job do u do??mine is very stressful i think i need a different type of job x

12-11-2013, 04:31 AM
At least you work in a Hospital though so if you did ever pass out or have any health issues, you would be treated straught away! I work for a law company so my day is pretty much sitting at my desk but is really busy! x

12-11-2013, 05:25 AM
You didn't eat did you? Gotta get something maybe some fruit and some ice water first, then some tea second....

12-11-2013, 05:26 AM
You didn't eat did you? Gotta get something maybe some fruit and some ice water first, then some tea second....

Hey James, how's your day going man?

12-11-2013, 05:32 AM
You didn't eat did you? Gotta get something maybe some fruit and some ice water first, then some tea second....

I ate some fruit this morning and a handful of plain cashew nuts but still feeling funny! and i've been drinking loads of water! I did have a couple of drinks last night so it could be the alcohol not agreeing with my meds?

12-11-2013, 05:36 AM
BINGO!!!.... and you didn't eat quite enough nor drank enough fluids to rehydrate you 13X's..wait, nooo can't be.... Hey James!! Haven't seen you in awhile bruh! :)