View Full Version : Breathing problems

12-11-2013, 01:53 AM
[Does anyone else suffer with breathing problems from anxiety. All day yesterday I had this' no pain at all just feeling like I couldn't breath tidy which brought on like a panic attack. X

12-11-2013, 02:01 AM
Oh yeah. I've got a respiratory infection right now and my anxiety is kicking the breathing problems into high gear. I feel ya. I think most of us with anxiety experience that shortness of breath feeling, even if there's no pain associated. I think it's just your chest muscles tensing up that causes it. Usually, if I can keep my mind occupied or stay busy and not think about it, it usually goes away. Hope you feel better soon. Try to stay as calm and relaxed as you can. You're going to be just fine. Tell yourself that over and over if you have to. Sometimes our brains are slow to get that message.

12-11-2013, 02:26 AM
I have this as we speak! My chest feels really tight and I feel like I keep needing to sigh/yawn. Its such a horribel feeling isnt it!

12-11-2013, 02:32 AM
Yes it's awful. When in busy I tend not to notice it but soon as I sit down it pops into my head. I can't breathe and it feels harder and harder. Xx

12-11-2013, 02:34 AM
Yeah same here! Its fustrating because you cant just walk away from it, you have to deal with it!

12-11-2013, 03:53 AM
[Does anyone else suffer with breathing problems from anxiety.

Man, this is an understatement. Can't remember the last time I breathed normally. Problem is once you're aware of it, it's almost impossible to return to a natural rhythm, except when you're asleep. My dog, all 100lbs of him, gets into deep sleeps and I'll pace my breathing with him, nice and slow, deep in and out, and from the diaphragm.

Many of us, when nervous, breath using our intercostal chest muscles, relatively shallow breathing. In the past, after minor surgery and being at home, taking this or that prescription, I would note how natural my breathing was, deep in and out, slow, incredibly relaxed.

My diaphragm actually feels like it's in a knot at times, I can't breath deep. It may last weeks, a month or so, etc. but eventually I forget about it and it relaxes again.