View Full Version : Thinking Things That I Should Not Be Thinking

12-10-2013, 04:58 PM
Hello i have had some anxiety problem the past couple months and i feel i have gotten a bit better since it started. The only thing that i have been having problems with now a days is awful thoughts in my head. i know that is a part of anxiety. I know it does not make me who i am and i know they are not real. it is the anxiety getting the best of me. But they still will flood my mind from time to time and it it still bothers me. the thoughts a so horrific that it scares me that its on my mind. I am taking 20mg of Celexa which i think is working but i feel the thoughts are taking over. going crazy. sometimes they last minutes then sometimes days. sometimes i can laugh about them when there gone thinking why i would ever think them and other times im just worried about when they are going to come back......

i dont know if anyone has felt this way or similar but any advice or GOOD thoughts about it would be very helpful.


12-10-2013, 05:00 PM
Good thoughts, your not alone, we all get this and are all getting through it. You have around a good support group :)

12-10-2013, 05:16 PM
We have all done this friend, especially when it's something really tough and unique to ourself. This will pass, as BingoGoober above said "getting through it"...Your thoughts tonight, will be lightened and different tomorrow but that's just my opinion...Fight the fight together!


12-10-2013, 07:17 PM
Anytime I was worried about intrusive thoughts, my therapist pointed out one thing to me - if the thoughts bother you, that means you're grounded in reality and know the difference between what's real and what's not (a very good thing). Try not to worry over them, I think the more you let them bother you that gives them permission to happen more - the snowball effect. Think of it like an irritating sibling, if you try and ignore them and think to yourself "these are strange thoughts but I'm not going to let them get to me" maybe they will go away. If they are so severe that you can't talk yourself through them you may want to check with your doctor for some help getting relief.
