View Full Version : Lost....

Kaylee Quinlan
12-10-2013, 04:41 PM
I just dont even know anymore if most of my physical symptoms are because of my anxiety or there is really a medical issue going on....it has completely disrupted my life. 2 months ago I thought I had lymphoma because I have a very small lymph node on my neck (still there but size has not changed), than I thought it could be leukemia, than esophageal cancer, than lung cancer, all of those cancers have been ruled out. I now think it may be bone cancer. I have had millions of crazy physical symptoms over the last 2 months. My current symptoms are; my left middle finger, middle joint hurts (the ER doc did an xray 2 days ago and found a teeny tiny spot (not sure how they even saw it) and said he did not think it was a tumor, but that it could be a fracture, even thought I havent hurt it) He recommended I see a hand surgeon if the pain does not go away. I also have occasional pain in my left arm, and fairly constant pain in my left thigh. It is a dull achy pain. All of my blood tests have come back fine. I also have the occasional nausea and lightheadness. For the past few days I have had this weird bubbly feeling below my left rib. So far the doctors have been right but because they found that teeny tiny spot on my finger, im afraid I have bone cancer. I have gone through so many different cancer possibilities over the last while that im not sure if im crazy or maybe im just missing what kind of cancer I really have. In the mean time I just am so depressed I cant do anything. Part of the reason I cant do anything is because i get lightheaded. Wouldnt bone cancer affect your bloodwork as your bones are the thing that make blood? Just not sure what to do. I would go to a hand surgeon but I dont have insurance and I have already spent so much money on doctors visits that I dont have any money left. Help! if an ER doctor found a small spot between your finger joint and thought it was a slight fracture or calcium and you had random leg and arm pain would you further investigate it or would you take the drs advice and know that it is not bone cancer. I dont have a regular doctors appointment for a week and a half and im not sure what to do with myself. Could I have bone cancer? Am I just crazy? Who goes through that many cancers and still think they have some sort of cancer? I just want this anxiety, depression, and pain to go away. Advice???

12-10-2013, 04:45 PM
Damn.. All this shit really makes me not want to move to America... I get free medical here.. That would just be horrible.. Sorry I'm not much help.. But eshhhh...

12-10-2013, 05:21 PM
Your over analysing to much if the doctor said it's not then take his word honest, I've had aching joints numb legs for days numb tingling shoulder blades dizzy spells giddiness stomach pain like mad I though I had something wrong in there, bad headaches you name it anxiety gives you loads of weird symptoms it's all the worry and stress in our mind that after so long it causes wires to cross and make our bodily functions all messed up I used to worry loads about things like this I still do but I've drilled it into my head and kept telling my self your putting your self through a vicious circle your just over worrying and self diagnosing it's horrible to live with this bit you have to work with it sometimes it's hard but you can do it good luck I wish you all the best