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12-10-2013, 12:50 PM
Has anyone experienced starting a anti depressant feeling pretty ok or good of the first 2 weeks and after that feel like anxiety is creeping back in

I started Sertraline 2 weeks ago and yesterday and today I felt quite anxious I am not sure what about but I did feel like I was going to have an attack Urgh I hate anxiety

Steven Daws
12-10-2013, 12:58 PM
I don't have any experience with Sertraline, but I was told by my doctor that with my medication, it can take a week or so to reach the right levels in your body. During that time, he told me that my symptoms might get worse such as panic, and I may also get side effects.

I did feel more anxious for about a week after I started (and very very tired lol), so it may be the same for you. The other reason could be that the doctor may need to adjust your dose to get you stable. My doctor usually reviewed me every two weeks or so and then adjusted it.

If you don't have a review with the doctor booked, you may want to see them so that they can assess its effectiveness.

I hope it settles down for you.

12-10-2013, 01:02 PM
It was pretty settled for the first two weeks I had a couple of rough days but that was about it I started to feel normal

I was seen by my doctor last night he has booked a review in another two weeks and thinks he may increase my dose then wants to leave me for the four weeks to see if I feel any benefit

Steven Daws
12-10-2013, 01:09 PM
He may be thinking that it will settle down in that case, I did have the odd day when I was anxious, but I didn't get an actual attack which I tried to focus on as a positive. It is difficult, when I started taking my medication, I was hoping that it would suddenly be better and I would feel normal. It wasn't quite like that, but I did feel better, the problem is it has already been a long road by that point.

Terre Nova
12-10-2013, 01:24 PM
He may be thinking that it will settle down in that case, I did have the odd day when I was anxious, but I didn't get an actual attack which I tried to focus on as a positive. It is difficult, when I started taking my medication, I was hoping that it would suddenly be better and I would feel normal. It wasn't quite like that, but I did feel better, the problem is it has already been a long road by that point.

So do you feel better now? How long have you been on meds?
Going to the Dr today to get meds and i'm freaking out! Every horrid and scary thought that could be, is going through my head :(

Steven Daws
12-10-2013, 01:31 PM
So do you feel better now? How long have you been on meds?
Going to the Dr today to get meds and i'm freaking out! Every horrid and scary thought that could be, is going through my head :(

I was on them for just over a year, and I have to say that it was one of the most settled periods of my life. It was the first time that I had tried medication, I had suffered from anxiety for about 25 years on and off. I was scared when I first went to see the doctors, but if you persevere and get the right medication and dose, then it may really make a difference.

My doctor thought I should try to wean myself off of them, it was ok for a few months, but the anxiety is starting to creep back again.

Terre Nova
12-10-2013, 01:36 PM
I was on them for just over a year, and I have to say that it was one of the most settled periods of my life. It was the first time that I had tried medication, I had suffered from anxiety for about 25 years on and off. I was scared when I first went to see the doctors, but if you persevere and get the right medication and dose, then it may really make a difference.

My doctor thought I should try to wean myself off of them, it was ok for a few months, but the anxiety is starting to creep back again.

So are you considering going back on the meds?
Ive suffered all my life with this and ive been on meds twice never really feeling any results but this anxiety is soo intense that i feel meds may be my only option...
May i ask what meds you took that seemed to help?
Thanks for responding :)

12-10-2013, 01:42 PM
I mean I am feeling ok I am just worried I am sliding back down and I don't want to do that as I have been feeling great for a week nd a half

Steven Daws
12-10-2013, 01:42 PM
I was on clomipramine, they had to try a few before they found one that worked for me. I am considering going back on them, but I am stubborn and hate the thought of having to rely on them. They also made me gain a lot of weight which I didn't like because some of my anxiety is health related (vicious circle).

I hope you find one that works for you. :)

Steven Daws
12-10-2013, 01:46 PM
I mean I am feeling ok I am just worried I am sliding back down and I don't want to do that as I have been feeling great for a week nd a half

I know what you mean, feeling anxious about feeling anxious again. I found that after a while of feeling ok, I didn't worry so much about it coming back. Especially when I was faced with my triggers and only got a small response. I still felt anxious, but no-where near as bad as before.

12-10-2013, 01:54 PM
I know what you mean, feeling anxious about feeling anxious again. I found that after a while of feeling ok, I didn't worry so much about it coming back. Especially when I was faced with my triggers and only got a small response. I still felt anxious, but no-where near as bad as before.

Yes this is how I feel chest pain was my biggest thing and now it seems to be back but my responses are very different normally it would trigger a huge panic attack but now I just get slightly anxious

Steven Daws
12-10-2013, 02:02 PM
Yes this is how I feel chest pain was my biggest thing and now it seems to be back but my responses are very different normally it would trigger a huge panic attack but now I just get slightly anxious

It may be that this is how it will be from now on with those meds. My feeling of being anxious diminished even more over time (maybe because I was feeling more relaxed). My doctor would always ask me 'do you think you can live with these feelings as they are now?' If I couldn't, he would try something else.

The first meds he tried made me so drowsy, I couldn't stay awake, I told him that I wasn't getting any anxious feelings, but that was because I wasn't awake long enough.

12-10-2013, 02:15 PM
I am also on propanolol and when I first started them I was sooo drowsy by my third tablet it knocked me out but I had very disturbed sleep for about 2 weeks but that has gone now