View Full Version : Eye problems.

12-10-2013, 10:40 AM
I noticed a few weeks back that I saw some spots coming out of nowhere and started to get anxious. I checked them online and I found some information on Visual Snow. This wasn't what I was getting, but after I read it, this visual snow seemed to be apparent. Whether I had it since I was a child or whether I was/am telling myself I have it, I don't know.

Either way, I checked around and saw there is a thing called the Blue field entoptic phenomenon, which is more what I was getting and read that it is normal. I then went about my business and didn't notice any visual problems at all. The other night I saw some spots again, got anxious and wanted to double check what I had read was right. I went back on the same website and read about the visual snow again, and ever since then I'm constantly checking on my vision to see if I can see this "noise", which I can. It's not completely distracting, infact if I am engrossed in a task I don't notice it's there. For example, if I am watching TV or eating my tea, I don't see it. Also it depends what I'm looking at and what light is in the room. For example, I was driving to college the other day and when I looked at the inside of my car to try and focus to see if there was any noise, I couldn't see any. Maybe if I stare for a while I can see some, but it took some looking to notice.

If I hadn't have read that website, I believe I wouldn't be thinking I had any vision problems, whether I have them or not. I mean, I guess they can't be that bad even if I do have them if it's taken me 19 years to figure out it's there! Also, my stomach and bowel problems that I sometimes get have gone and any other symptoms of anxiety have seemed to have disappeared while I think about this.

Just wondering if anyone else gets this too or any other visual problems.


12-10-2013, 11:34 AM

Had them all the time for the past couple of years and finally just went to see an optomitrist. Complete eye exam, all spots that I see are normal, no eye damage, no glaucoma, no metal chunks in my eyes, just needed glasses to read with. Without them, I see fog, spots, noise, floaters, and if I'm in a light colored room I see what looks to be hairs and fuzz. LOL! You probably just need a simple 15 min eye exam..quit reading things on Google.

Best wishes Matt!


12-10-2013, 11:39 AM
I also experience the same issues and have had the ok with an eye doctor as well as mri/mra because of bad headaches. All is OK.

12-10-2013, 12:17 PM
I'm thankful that I'm not the only one. It seems like once one symptom of anxiety disappears, another pops up! I should know from experience that I shouldn't google symptoms!

12-10-2013, 12:20 PM
All normal..If you're concerned, go see an eye Doctor friend. Yes, stop trying to self-diagnose before you think you have something else, that you don't.

12-10-2013, 05:30 PM
I noticed a few weeks back that I saw some spots coming out of nowhere and started to get anxious.

I'd be curious about more specific details of your eye problem. I was an optician at one time (not an optometrist or ophthalmologist, just the guy that makes and fits glasses) and a longtime sufferer of "Visual Migraines". See some of the following links for Phosphenes and Scintillating Scotomas (migraine) and floaters (non migraine). Let me know if any of these are close to what you see.







12-10-2013, 05:49 PM
Only one I get sometimes are floaters, which seem to be circular and usually when looking at the sky or at a light coloured wall. I have not had a migraine in my entire life.

12-10-2013, 05:54 PM
I have not had a migraine in my entire life.

You can get visual symptoms from migraine without any pain. Dr. Oliver Sax wrote a book on migraines, interesting. Some people get mosaic migraines, others lilliputian migraines, scintillating scotomas, and a variety of other visual symptoms.

12-11-2013, 12:33 AM
Aaaah okay. I don't think I get those thought as if I'm distracted it doesn't seem to appear. For example, after writing this thread, I noticed that it was suddenly less apparent or not even there when doing things just to know it's not abnormal.

Bloody anxiety aha! What a pain :P

12-11-2013, 05:46 AM
Can I ask. Does anyone see the sky like this? I do see a lot of things like this but nowhere near as bold as that. I had a problem with my vehicle before I went to college and was pretty angry, so when I was fixing it and my mind is completely taken off it I wasn't complaining or even noticing anything wrong with my sight at all.

I think it is, actually, all in my head... Anxiety!


12-11-2013, 05:54 AM
Awesome pic! I won't see anything like that until next year round here...

12-11-2013, 06:04 AM
Macast - I see the sky like this also... And light walls. I work in an office with fluorescent lighting throughout and this also affects it. I've seen eye doctors and also had imaging in my head and everything seems normal. They said my eyes were dry. The spots I see are distracting at times because it makes me wonder what the heck is going on and flares my anxiety. The only reassurance I have at all is that I have had them for many years. I too seem to think they are related to anxiety or maybe eye strain related to anxiety or over sensitivity... Some people react to things differently and I think I am hypersensitive when things are bright or when there is lots going on. Do you think that could relate to you?

12-11-2013, 06:18 AM
Yes, I'm like that too. I think if I once discover something about my body, normal or not, I'll constantly think about that. For example, we see our nose on the left and right of our vision but out brain doesn't let us see it, unless we consciously look for it. I feel this is the same with my vision. Any problems I feel I see are only apparent if I look for them, otherwise they aren't there.

I do spent a lot of time indoors and my house isn't exactly as bright as outside and my room is rather dim lit, which apparently everyone sees some noise when it's not bright. Put it this way if you told me anxiety can cause pains in your leg, I'd be constantly checking up and I bet i would have pains in my leg in the next couple of days because I'd tell myself that it is possible.

12-11-2013, 06:19 AM

I was similar to SSMommy. When my anxiety was high, I'd see the sky and walls the same way. At first I thought my antidepressant was making me hallucinate. I'd even see the pool table like that when shooting stick with some people. As my anxiety lowered, that particular issue went, and I was just left with the eye floater type things.

I'd also see random yellow lines on the floor or on the wall. That was pretty hallucinogenic, but I later learnt that was anxiety too, and sure enough, went as my anxiety did.

Eye tests are really good now, they can spot so many conditions with their methods. If you've had one, and it's all ok, there's a huge chance it's stress related.

It really is one heck of a condition. I've actually yet to see a condition that has a symptom list as long as that of anxiety LOL

12-11-2013, 06:47 AM
Thank you all for your replies. I feel happier knowing I'm not the only one! If I hadn't have searched for seeing spots with anxiety on the Google, I wouldn't have even noticed anything wrong with my vision at all. I seem to find symptoms, then constantly check to see if I have them. I drove home from college today not noticing any problem with my vision AT ALL, yet, when I'm hope, I wait for my food to cook and sit twiddling my thumbs, oh look, I'm really concious of it. Like now, I started typing this out and didn't consciously see anything but now I can see it almost everywhere I look. If I once go on my guitar or something it'll become unnoticeable again. Anxiety definitely is a strange and bizarre condition, but I have to learn that thinking about it or worrying about it won't make anything go away, so I need to get on with what I need to do. I am currently finishing at college for this semester and have a lot of work to be doing, so it's probably a lot of stress!

This is the weird thing, I don't feel stressed right now, but maybe this is my body's way of saying I am.

12-11-2013, 12:40 PM
I notice too that I am in my living room, it's 7:38pm and my living room isn't exactly brightly lit, but when I look at the lights , it's clear. I can't see any visual issue. When I do look at it but everything else around it seems to be a bit noisy and grainy.

It's almost I see exactly like the photo apart from the light being clear as the camera didn't focus on that when I took the photo. The noise level is about what I am seeing at the moment. The image is quite a good example.

Not entirely sure this is normal as my mom says she can't really see any noise and if she does it's only a bit. Maybe I'm just focusing on it too much.


12-11-2013, 03:41 PM
Can I ask. Does anyone see the sky like this?
I think it is, actually, all in my head... Anxiety!

I see, interesting. See if these describe anything similar, can still be a migraine phenomenon.



12-11-2013, 05:11 PM
I don't see snowflakes or anything that stops me seeing. It's mainly if I focus on something that around it has almost a static on it, buts feint and doesn't distract me.

On the one hand it could pass at mild visual snow I guess but at the same time I only seem to "get it" if I think about it as well as looking out for it.

For example the whole time I was at college today I didn't notice it, but as soon as I got home and had time to think about it, it suddenly becomes conscious. I don't know. It seems like one thing after another goin wrong with my body :-(

12-11-2013, 05:15 PM
Does anyone ever see like floaters but they are colors like purple blue or yellow???

12-11-2013, 05:22 PM
Floater I see are circular, slight transparent. They are white or clear. There are many types of floater though...

12-11-2013, 05:32 PM
Are colors normal??? I see reg floaters but also colors???

12-12-2013, 12:22 AM
I see floaters but they are usually clear and cannot really see them unless I really focus. They are common though and it's just the natural stuff in your eyes.